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23 Mar 2011 11:25


Culture: Oh, Paris Hilton: This might perhaps be a tad racist, guys

  • We were making out, but then we went somewhere where it was bright and I saw that he was black and made an excuse and left. I can’t stand black guys. I would never touch one. It’s gross (pauses). Does that guy look black to you?
  • Paris Hilton • Quoted in celebrity interviewer and creepy guy Neil Strauss’ new book “Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead.” Granted, it was from an interview she did in 1999, when she was 18 (she was talking about an unnamed actor from “Saving Private Ryan”), so let’s not be too hard on her. (Others have disagreed with this point.) But that said … Hilton followed up by saying this in response to the question “How black does a guy have to be?” “One percent is enough for me.” We’ll just leave this here. Whew. source

28 Aug 2010 21:52


Culture: Posted without comment: Paris Hilton’s first post-arrest tweet

In bed watching Family Guy. Love this show.! So hilarious! Stewie is my favorite 🙂 love his accent.Sat Aug 28 09:56:06 via mobile web

28 Aug 2010 11:34


Culture: Paris Hilton arrested for completely unsurprising reasons

  • Paris Hilton arrested for cocaine usage? Get out. For some reason, Twitter is totally freaking out over this story, which we totally don’t understand. Hilton was in Vegas last night when the vehicle she was in got pulled over. Cops smelled pot and found coke on Hilton. Considering her reputation, it’s not surprising. We’re not surprised. source

22 Feb 2009 10:13


Culture: The Razzies name a new set of crapsterpieces

  • She is the 21st century Zsa Zsa Gabor. She is famous for who she hangs out with. She’s not famous for any talent she has yet exhibited. She may end up working with Uwe Boll. She could be the head vampire in ‘Bloodrayne 3.’
  • John Wilson • Razzies founder, on this year’s “winners,” including Paris Hilton and Uwe Boll, both of whom came out stinking last night. The big “winner,” though, was Mike Myers’ “The Love Guru,” which walked away with Worst Picture. • source

11 Feb 2009 21:52


Culture: Paris Hilton is a bit behind the curve on her “Twilight” love

  • She digs Robert Pattinson. Hilton, who kind of has a history of getting what she wants, mentioned to reporters that she finally saw the bloodsucking hit “Twilight” – which has been out since November – a couple of nights ago, and took a liking to both the vampire tale and the male lead. Regarding Pattinson, she noted that “He’s fabulous!” Next, Hilton will do the Macarena for us. source

21 Jan 2009 16:08


Culture: Other Razzie noms: Paris, Eww-eh Boll, M. Night Suckathon

  • Uwe Boll, please stop. The much-maligned director received five nominations for his crapsterpiece “In the Name of the King,” four of them he earned on his own. Raspberries curator John Wilson noted that Boll is the gift that keeps on, um, giving. “He was the overwhelming choice to receive our career achievement award,” Wilson said. source
  • Uwe Boll, please stop. The much-maligned director received five nominations for his crapsterpiece “In the Name of the King,” four of them he earned on his own. Raspberries curator John Wilson noted that Boll is the gift that keeps on, um, giving. “He was the overwhelming choice to receive our career achievement award,” Wilson said.
  • Stupid twist of fate M. Night Shyamalan had one good movie with a twist, “The Sixth Sense.” Then he just kept making movies with twists, and the twists (and the movies) got worse and worse. He got four nominations for “The Happening,” a flick with a twist involving plants being the villain. Great. Because that’s totally a great idea for a movie. source
  • Uwe Boll, please stop. The much-maligned director received five nominations for his crapsterpiece “In the Name of the King,” four of them he earned on his own. Raspberries curator John Wilson noted that Boll is the gift that keeps on, um, giving. “He was the overwhelming choice to receive our career achievement award,” Wilson said.
  • Stupid twist of fate M. Night Shyamalan had one good movie with a twist, “The Sixth Sense.” Then he just kept making movies with twists, and the twists (and the movies) got worse and worse. He got four nominations for “The Happening,” a flick with a twist involving plants being the villain. Great. Because that’s totally a great idea for a movie.
  • No love lost on Paris Paris Hilton, much like Boll and Shyamalan, is a regular target of Razzie hate, and she got a bunch of it for her “wonderful” film “The Hottie and the Nottie” (which got two noms) and the cameo in the film “Repo! The Genetic Opera” (which also got a nom; they leave no bad-film stone unturned, do they?). source