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08 Apr 2010 10:52


U.S., World: U.S., Russia hang out, catch up, sign big-deal nuclear pact

  • “Hey Dmitry, I’m already here, might as well sign this thang!” While you were being completely unproductive this morning, playing Farmville and catching up on “Saved By the Bell” reruns, our boy Obama was signing a treaty with Dmitry Medvedev to severely scale back both countries’ nuclear ambitions. It’s the first arms treaty the two countries have signed in about 20 years. You should follow his example. source

06 Apr 2010 10:57


U.S.: Obama decides to fix U.S.’s Nuclear Posture, cut back big time

  • We are going to want to make sure that we can continue to move towards less emphasis on nuclear weapons … [and to] make sure that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances.
  • President Barack Obama • Discussing his decision to scale back the nation’s nuclear powers, limiting exactly when the weapons can be used. Don’t think he’s going to go all soft on us, though. He’s leaving an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” just in case they decide to try any funny stuff. You know, like threatening to drop a nuke on the U.S. source

26 Mar 2010 11:26


World: Holy crap: S. Korean ship may have been hit by N. Korean torpedo

24 Mar 2010 22:16


U.S., World: Russia and the U.S. decide it’s a good idea to give nukes a break

  • 90% of all nuclear weapons are owned by the U.S. or Russia
  • eight months of ongoing negotiations between the countries
  • yes they finally came to a deal to stash away their nuclear weapons source

11 Jan 2010 10:07


U.S., World: North Korea wants to make peace with the U.S. all of a sudden

  • peace The country wants to write up a new peace treaty with the U.S. – the first rewrite since the end of the Korean war nearly 60 years ago.
  • leverage The carrot – and stick – for the U.S.? If they sign it, North Korea will give up their nuclear weapons program. A plan too good to be true?
  • flipped? Unfortunately for North Korea, the U.S. wants them to get rid of the nukes first – then they’ll talk about rewriting the peace treaty. source

02 Jan 2010 21:28


World: Iran twists the West’s arm on a nuclear counter-offer

  • Western governments have until the end of the month to take Iran’s offer. Remember how the U.S. tried really hard to convince Iran to agree to a nuclear plan that limited their ability to create nuclear weapons? And how Iran pussyfooted around with them? Well, after ignoring the offer and missing a deadline, now Iran’s playing hardball, setting a counter-offer and saying the West has to agree or they’ll just do what they want. Great. source

23 Oct 2009 12:59


World: There’s kind of a problem with that Iran nuclear deal on the table

  • Russia, the U.S. and France have agreed to a draft deal by the IAEA to compromise on Iran’s nuke program. source
  • Iran isn’t. They appear to be stalling, looking for a way to keep the West busy while it plays footsie. Figures. source

22 Oct 2009 10:14


U.S., World: A senior Iranian official dumps cold water on that nuke deal

  • They (the West) tell us: you give us your 3.5 percent enriched uranium and we will give you the fuel for the reactor. It is not acceptable to us. The IAEA is obliged to provide us with the fuel based on the safeguards.
  • Deputy Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar • Describing why he’s against the agreement the International Atomic Energy Agency worked up to send low-enriched uranium to other countries for further enriching. If it goes through, it could be a huge diplomatic win for the U.S. Word is that Iran might try to work some amendments to the deal, but it could fall flat completely if Iran crosses what the U.S. describes as “red lines” designed to make sure Iran’s not making nuclear weapons. • source

13 Oct 2009 11:12


U.S., World: Russia to U.S.: Back off of Iran; let’s see what they do first

  • We are convinced that threats, sanctions, and threats of pressure in the present situation are counter-productive.
  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov • Regarding the U.S. applying pressure to Iran for its nuclear program. Russia has not completely committed to towing the U.S.’ line on the issue, despite Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pushing for it. • source

12 Oct 2009 09:32


World: Morning guys. Here’s North Korea’s latest wakeup call.

  • 5 short-range missiles were fired off this morning source