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05 Oct 2009 10:33


Tech: Nobel Prize people: Your life’s work worth $1.4 million

  • three Americans will split the prize for their work in chromosome research source

03 Oct 2009 03:02


Offbeat: A multitasking bra: Gas masks have never come in DD cups before

  • Whoever invented this is a freaking genius. The Annals of Improbable Research organization says so. They gave it a Nobel Prize. It’s a bra designed to be worn on the face in case someone farts. We think.source

28 Feb 2009 10:21


Biz: Elie Wiesel: Not a big Bernard Madoff fan

  • ‘Sociopath,’ ‘psychopath,’ it means there is a sickness, a pathology. This man knew what he was doing. I would simply call him thief, scoundrel, criminal.
  • Elie Wiesel • Talking about Bernard Madoff, who made off with $15 million from Wiesel’s charity organization as part of the $50 billion he stole from investors. Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize-winning writer, says Madoff should be held in solitary confinement with pictures of his victims constantly showing on a screen. • source