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09 Sep 2009 02:10


World: Another New York Times reporter kidnapped, rescued in Afghanistan

  • His translator didn’t make it though. Stephen Farrell is a lucky man. Farrell, a reporter for the New York Times since 2007, is now the second reporter in three months to have been rescued after being kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan. He didn’t have to wait as long as David Rohde for a rescue (Rohde was in Taliban captivity for seven months; Farrell was kidnapped four days ago), but his rescue was far more violent. Sultan Munadi, his interpreter, was killed in the crossfire. source

06 Sep 2009 11:42


Tech: Fake Steve’s worried about an anti-Snow Leopard NYT article

  • The Borg won’t comment on the record, but they’ll definitely put some folks on the phone who will chortle on background and point out all the ‘problems’ with Snowy.
  • Fake Steve Jobs • On the possibility of an anti-Snow Leopard article in The New York Times, after David Pogue gushed about it, then admitted that he had a lot of problems with things breaking. According to Fake Steve, “the guys on the news side at the Times are ashamed of Pogue and embarrassed by him.” So are we, Fake Steve. So are we. • source

14 Aug 2009 10:55


Biz: The New York Times is gonna survive the recession using wine (and cheese)

  • If you can’t sell papers, sell wine. That seems to be the philosophy of the New York Times, which has thrown its hat into the wine club ring, playing into its rep as the snootiest print publication around. We hope the New York Post responds by starting up a hard-liquor-on-the-rocks club.source

02 Aug 2009 13:28


U.S.: Alessandra Stanley’s Cronkite obit won her a personal NYT copy editor

  • Remember that chick who dropped the ball at the NYT? The one that penned the Walter Cronkite obituary filled with *seven* factual errors, spelling mistakes and incorrect dates. Well, she’s still employed by the paper and now has a copy editor all to herself. Yay! Will they attach her to it with a leash, or what? source

30 Jul 2009 17:00


Politics: David Pogue wants cell companies to suck it up and change

  • These messages are outrageous for two reasons. First, they waste your time. Good heavens: it’s 2009. WE KNOW WHAT TO DO AT THE BEEP.
  • David Pogue • In his blog that’s leading the way in the “Take Back the Beep Campaign.” Pogue argues that those messages that tell you how to leave a voicemail are a “blatant money-grab” and just plain stupid. As you can imagine, not many people disagree with him.  • source

30 Jul 2009 16:45


Sports: The NYT reporter that exposed Ramirez and Ortiz is just a baby

  • 25 the age of New York Times reporter Michael S. Schmidt. He just broke the story that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz tested positive for juicin’ up in 2003 source

22 Jul 2009 17:56


U.S.: The NYT made way too many errors in their Cronkite obituary. Awkward.

  • 7 errors in the New York Times’ Cronkite obituary. Get it together guys. source

21 Jul 2009 23:52


U.S.: This photo the New York Times ran on Sunday was, sadly, real

This photo freaked a lot of people out. Some, angry it might have been faked. Some, angry it could be real. (As it turns out, the second group guessed right.) source

09 Jul 2009 01:05


Tech: Congrats to Adam Gurno, who caught a NYT Photoshopper

  • It was an excellent photo essay. The picture of the framing is actually pretty striking. I looked at it and I said, ‘this doesn’t look right.’
  • Adam Gurno • On a New York Times photo essay that has since been removed. Gurno, a Minnesota guy and Metafilter user who’s been a regular commenter on the blog in the past (we thought that guy’s name sounded familiar!), caught a case of Photoshopping in a New York Times photo essay on unfinished buildings in a bad economy. The photo he nailed? Well, it was mirrored. Congrats on kicking butt and we hope you comment on this post, too. :) • source

06 Jul 2009 23:07


Biz, Tech: New York Times to workers: Your texting is costing us money. Stop it.

  • Yeah, that sounds extreme. The Times is trying to cut back where it can, according to the New York Observer. And the place they felt most necessary? Cell phone bills. Texting costs money both as an unlimited charge and on a per-text basis, so they’re recommending their employees use other means, such as Twitter and IM, instead. Also on the chopping block? MMS and 411 calls, which cost $1.49 a piece. Next on the list? Pulling “scroll lock” keys off the staff keyboards and melting them into silverware for the newsroom cafeteria. source