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22 Aug 2011 23:28


U.S., World: Never fear, Captain Biden is here, and he’s a Big #(&@(&% Deal!

  • When in Mongolia…: Vice President Joe Biden visited Mongolia as his latest stop on his Asian tour. Mongolia is expected to open its natural resources to foreign investors soon. While we’re not sure if Biden makes the best diplomat, he’s definitely the one we trust the most with a bow and arrow. (You might’ve heard that the guy who preceded him in the job had some trouble handling weapons properly.) On his trip, he was also presented with a horse, which Biden named “Celtic”. Can you say “live-action ‘Mulan’ remake”? source

19 May 2010 21:13


World: Be glad you’re not Mongolian, don’t have to clean up this mess

Unless you are. In which case we feel really awful that a rough winter killed all of your livestock. The country’s entire economy could feel the ripple effects of this. source

03 Dec 2009 10:23


Culture: Anyone hate babies as much as we do? If so, don’t watch this trailer

  • It’s like “Look Who’s Talking” for the indie set. A documentary on babies shot in four different global locales, this movie strikes us as kinda cute in that rip-hair-out-our-skulls kind of way. Two minutes of this is OK, but could you imagine an hour and a half of these babies?