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02 Dec 2009 09:10


U.S.: Maurice Clemmons had help, and that help is now in trouble

  • We are all relieved to have Maurice Clemmons off the street, but there is still work to be done here. When you help a criminal, you become a criminal.
  • Pierce County, Wash. prosecutor Mark Lindquist • On the arrest of two suspects who assisted suspected cop kiiller Maurice Clemmons, and probably more coming. In other news, Mike Huckabee took “full responsibility” for commuting Clemmons’ sentence in 2000. source

01 Dec 2009 08:49


Politics: Bill O’Reilly plays Larry King to Mike Huckabee’s soft-pedal needs

  • Well, at least he found a sympathetic ear. Can we criticize Bill O’Reilly for shifting the blame from the former Arkansas governor just as much as the former Arkansas governor does it himself? He straight-up tells Huckabee, “It’s not your fault.”

01 Dec 2009 08:36


U.S.: Manhunt’s over. Police shooting suspect Maurice Clemmons is dead.

  • It took two days to find him. After one complete false alarm, Clemmons was found this morning in Seattle, after being on the run nearly 48 hours. He was implicated in an ambush-style shooting of four police officers in a coffee shop in Lakewood, Washington. source

30 Nov 2009 20:56


30 Nov 2009 12:01


30 Nov 2009 09:47


U.S.: How various states failed at keeping Maurice Clemmons jailed

  • Arkansas The parole board recommended to Mike Huckabee that Clemmons fit the profile for early release, so he released him, in part due to the fact that Clemmons was jailed at 17.
  • Washington Clemmons moved to the state after getting off on robbery charges in Arkansas, and was released on bond for child-rape charges just six days ago. source

30 Nov 2009 01:31


U.S.: Mike Huckabee has a coffee shooter albatross around his neck

  • Should he be found responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington state.
  • Presumptive 2012 presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee • Regarding coffee shop ambush person of interest Maurice Clemmons, who he granted clemency in 2001. While it’s too early to call Clemmons a suspect, if he turns out to be, he could turn into something of a Willie Horton – except much worse, due to the attention the case is getting – for Huckabee. source