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08 Nov 2009 11:31


U.S.: Could gay marriage prevent failed straight marriages?

  • It’s like you hit a brick wall when they come out. You think everything is fine and then, boom!
  • Kimberly Brooks • Describing the humiliation she went through when her ex-husband, Robert Webb, came out. Many advocates of gay marriage, particularly spouses of men and women who later came out, argue that if the stigma that went with gay relationships went away, situations like Brooks’ could be avoided. Brooks, for her part, regards her role in the ending relationship as “collateral damage.” • source

04 Nov 2009 10:09


U.S.: Here’s a photo of a bunch of sad gay marriage supporters in Maine

It was a fairly close race considering, but 47.25% isn’t enough to ensure gay marriage across the state of Maine. source

03 Nov 2009 21:39


U.S.: Justice for interracial-barring justice of the peace in Louisiana

  • The heavily-criticized Keith Bardwell resigned today. The justice of the peace submitted his resignation in person to Louisiana’s Secretary of State. Bardwell has been under fire since refusing to perform the marriage of Beth Humphrey and Terence McKay last month. The couple, which married under a different justice, sued Bardwell and his wife, saying they violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. While Bardwell stands behind his actions, he resigned “because they was going to take me to court, and I was going to lose.” Smart move. source

08 Sep 2009 10:41


Offbeat: She said yes. Then she fell down a rocky incline.

  • That must have been a heck of a proposal. I believe she did [say yes] … If she didn’t, I think we ought to investigate this one.
  • Montgomery County, Maryland Fire and Rescue Service Assistant Chief Scott Graham • On a proposal with a romantic beginning but a rocky, bizarre end. During a hike, a guy asked for his girlfriend’s hand in marriage. Then she fell down a rocky incline (just like Homer Simpson) and had to be rescued via helicopter. At some point during the hike, she said yes. While she lost consciousness for a little while, her injuries weren’t serious. • source

09 Aug 2009 11:47


Offbeat: Neigh now or forever hold your peace: Two horses get married

Zippy and Magic are such a cute couple. We would totally dig seeing that bride attempt to throw the bouquet. source

08 Aug 2009 17:59


U.S.: Mark Sanford and Jenny Sanford: No longer under the same roof

  • Jenny (and her sons) moved out Friday. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford continues to be on the outs with his wife Jenny, with the state’s First Lady moving her stuff out yesterday. She plans to take the kids back to Charleston, where they’ll attend school. Both husband and wife said this was for the best for now but said they planned to continue to work out family problems. Personally, we would have loved to see Mark move out into the doghouse. source

05 Aug 2009 20:45


Biz, U.S.: Obama wants to break up the most bankrupt marriage ever

  • together Fannie May and Freddie Mac, two government-borne companies designed to help with home ownership and mortgages, were mashed together into government ownership last year (like a bad marriage) as the financial crisis became critical.
  • apart? Now, the Obama administration is considering splitting them back up again and restructuring them entirely, adding a third company in the mix to handle toxic debt. Obama economy guy Lawrence Summers has long wanted to do this, by the way. source

13 Jul 2009 12:29


U.S.: ‘Till death (or at least the end of this recession) do us part

  • The kids are OK with it. They just know that mommy lives upstairs and daddy lives in the basement.
  • Freelance writer and stay-at-home mom Rhonda Brewster • On her not-so-typical living arrangements thanks to the recession. Divorcee-wanabees across the country are finding it increasingly hard to sell their houses, split their stuff, pay their lawyers and untie the knot. Some, like Brewster, have had to get a little creative.  • source

10 Jul 2009 16:03


World: Afghanistan moves into the 19th century with womens’ rights

  • Marital rape? Banned. Housework? Required. After a new law in Afghanistan essentially legalized a husband’s domination over a spouse, the law was toned down by President Hamid Karzai to only require the wife to do certain acts of housework. OK, maybe we’re spoiled by modernization, but is this really progress? Really? Can’t the man of the house occasionally clean the toilet? source

23 May 2009 20:33


Culture: Archie is finally ready to choose his lady. Great. Now we don’t care.

  • Betty or Veronica? Who gives a crap? After 68 years of keeping comic book fans vaguely interested in their boring misadventures, Archie Comics has finally decided that, in August, its main character will propose to either Betty (the blond one) and Veronica (the black-haired one). Personally, we think Archie should actually make us interested in his stupid comics again by marrying Jughead. It’d be so modern and unexpected! source