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05 Aug 2010 20:39


U.S.: Get ready: Elena Kagan officially the new John Paul Stevens

  • 63 senators voted for Kagan; the rest got  screamed “NAY”
  • 111 the number of justices that have served the court; she’ll be lucky 112
  • 3 the number of women that have served; she’ll be the fourth source

09 May 2010 22:24


U.S.: Five reasons why Elena Kagan is an obvious SCOTUS pick

  • one She’s 50, exactly the right age to run for the court. She’d grow really old there.
  • two Loaded with a stellar resume he has an East Coast background, like other justices.
  • three She’s solicitor general. She already argues high court cases for Obama.
  • four She’s already faced the Senate already, meaning confirmation will be fairly easy.
  • five People have been talking about her getting the job like it’s already a given. source

21 Apr 2010 23:15


Politics: The Supreme Court is over its head when it comes to sexting

  • Does it say: ‘Your call is important to us, and we will get back to you?’
  • Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy • Trying to wrap his head around the idea of sending a text message, as part of a case on sexting involving the . He’s not the only justice who doesn’t understand this newfangled technology. Fellow Justice Antonin Scalia showed off the fact that he’s old by saying this gem: “Could [the plaintiff, Sergeant Jeff] Quon print these spicy little conversations and send them to his buddies?” Because cell phones have printers. These people, by the way, are setting the law of the land, yet they don’t know what the heck they’re talking about. Should we be nervous? source

18 Apr 2010 11:30


Politics: Bill Clinton: Me or Hillary on Supreme Court a bad idea

  • Because I’m already 63-years-old, I hope I live to be 90. I hope I’m just as healthy as Justice Stevens is. But it’s not predictable. I’d like to see him put someone in there, late 40s, early 50s, on the court and someone with a lot of energy for the job.
  • Former President Bill Clinton • Regarding the possibility of his becoming Supreme Court justice. He says that, while he’d enjoy the job, it’d be better to choose someone younger. He also discounts the possibility of Hillary’s nomination. “She’s like me, you know, we’re kind of doers. We like being out there and doing things, rowing our own boat and making changes we could see happen.” So that’s that. Clinton recommends putting someone on the court who hasn’t been a judge before, who knows the impact of their decisions. source

12 Apr 2010 09:10


Politics: This should wake you up: Hillary Clinton, Supreme Court nominee?

  • Whoa, what did he just say? Our boy Orrin Hatch was on The Today Show this morning and dropped this bombshell. Hillary Clinton is a possibility for Supreme Court justice. If this is true, it’d be a major change for the court, because everyone knows Hillary and she’d already come with a long history. Oh, and she just ran for president a year or two ago.

14 Jul 2009 20:31


U.S.: Sonia Sotomayor: Running through hoops like Sonic the Hedgehog

  • When I worked hard at trying to convince my colleagues of something after listening to them, they’ll often try it for a while. I mean, we’ll have to talk together. We’ll have to figure out that issue together.
  • Supreme Court justice candidate Sonia Sotomayor • On dealing with her potential fellow justices on issues of politics and hashing out disagreements. Sotomayor’s been putting on quite a show during her Senate hearings the last two days with the wording of her answers. She’s willing to be a critic of herself, correcting things she’d said that have been turned back on her, and overall keeping her composure in a situation that would knock others flat. No matter your political persuasion, she’ll probably be a good justice for these aspects alone. • source

20 Jun 2009 22:23


U.S., World: Obama’s quoting MLK in support of Iran protests

  • Martin Luther King once said, ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.’ I believe that. The international community believes that. And right now, we are bearing witness to the Iranian people’s belief in that truth, and we will continue to bear witness.
  • President Barack Obama • Speaking on the Iranian protests. Taking a different turn from the guarded language he had previously been using to describe the conflict, he’s now actively encouraging the protests by Iranians. Which, of course, should make Iranian leadership happy. • source

29 May 2009 13:20


Politics, U.S.: People seem to generally like Sonia Sotomayor, a poll sez

  • 54% of those polled say that Obama’s justice pick is the bee’s knees source

26 May 2009 11:13


U.S.: Five fast facts about SCOTUS justice pick Sonia Sotomayor

  • She’s a New Yawker of Puerto Rican descent and a huge Yankees fan. source
  • Her pedigree’s pretty sweet: She went to Princeton and Yale Law School. source
  • She was appointed as a trial judge in 1991 and upgraded to appeals in 1998. source
  • In 1995, she effectively ended the MLB baseball strike by blocking replacements. source
  • If she gets on the court, she’ll likely be a solid liberal vote. Well, duhhhh. source

26 May 2009 11:11


U.S.: Why you’ll like Sonia Sotomayor: She’s one of us.

  • I am an ordinary person who has been blessed with extraordinary opportunities and experiences.
  • Obama’s Supreme Court justice pick Sonia Sotomayor • On what she describes as “the most humbling honor of my life.” The biggest hurdle she’ll likely face to becoming a justice is that she hasn’t had to make any major decisions on abortion cases, BTW. • source