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12 Jun 2010 13:42


Politics: CNN spatwatch: James Carville basically calls Fareed Zakaria an idiot

  • “We want to eat our own shrimp! We don’t want to eat Indonesian shrimp!” Let’s admit that James Carville 1.) Is really entertaining when he’s talking about hitting someone with a “football bat” 2.) Has a really good point here which we actually touched upon in the last post and 3.) Is going to have to be careful not to run into Fareed when he’s walking around the office in the next few weeks. Wouldn’t you be emotional if you were from the Gulf, too?

06 Jun 2010 12:00


Culture: The odd couple: Elton John sang at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding

  • somehow, Limbaugh has been married four times. The radio-show gabber drew a diverse set of guests for his marriage to Kathryn Rogers over the weekend, including James Carville, Fred Thompson and Sean Hannity (OK, maybe not), but the most diverse guest was the musical act. Elton John was reportedly paid $1 million to sing “The Bitch is Back” to the audience. Considering his show’s theme music, you’d expect him to grab The Pretenders. But no. source

30 May 2010 23:27


Politics: Max Headroom: Dr. Uncomfortable is ready to see you

  • Never discuss this again On Fox News today, this doctor discusses how women’s sexual desires go down as a result of taking birth control pills. The awkward silence at the end, just a second or so, feels like 20 minutes.

  • playing politicsThe Obama/Joe Sestak thing is kind of annoying because it happens often enough that calling people out for it is lame, but you expect more from Obama. At least this “Meet The Press” panel does.

  • Not a man from NantucketJames Carville sounds like the angriest human being alive in claiming that the entire federal government would’ve helped if the oil spill happened in Nantucket. We’re trying not to rhyme.

04 Oct 2009 23:57


Politics: Max Headroom: Explain the UN’s relevance, U.S. ambassador!

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • Reveling in failure Bill Kristol seems ready to pounce on Obama for his Olympic push. He compares him to George W. Bush, which just caused our brains to painfully implode. Uh … WHAT?

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • Reveling in failure Bill Kristol seems ready to pounce on Obama for his Olympic push. He compares him to George W. Bush, which just caused our brains to painfully implode. Uh … WHAT?

  • Trashing Glenn Beck James Carville straight-up calls Glenn Beck nuts around 1:42. It’s an epic rant, one that makes us all warm and fuzzy inside. One of our favorite Carville rants ever.