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06 Jul 2010 11:11


World: Caster Semenya can run again – as a woman, not a man

Fans of comeback stories will like this one. After nearly a year of often-mean-spirited gender second-guessing, Semenya will get back on the track. source

30 Jun 2010 10:42


16 Mar 2010 21:13


Biz: Honda trying to be like Toyota in the worst way possible

  • 412,000 cars recalled for bad brakes source

17 Feb 2010 10:18


World: Israel knows a thing or two about espionage scandals

  • 12 major international scandals Israel has been tied to source

19 Nov 2009 09:50


World: Caster Semenya, the sorta-kinda-girl, gets to keep her gold medal

  • Because Caster has been found to be innocent of any wrong, she will then retain her gold medal, retain her title of 800m world champion and retain her prize money.
  • A message from the South African sports ministry • Describing the decision to allow the runner, under tons of scrutiny due to gender tests that were perhaps a little too public and revealing for their own good, to keep her medal. We have to imagine, though, that it’s going to be tough for Caster Semenya to run in the future because of this controversy. • source

14 Nov 2009 19:07


Tech: Pystar death star: Apple clones dealt another murderous blow

  • It’s unfortunate, but Apple was in the right legally. There are tons of side issues in the Mac clone case to end all Mac clone cases, but Pystar – which had famously been selling generic noisy black boxes and putting a bunch of Mac software on them – is done. Apple has them from just about every avenue possible – copyright infringement, derivative works, misuse of copyrights and DMCA violations. As a result, the case that would’ve allowed Hackintoshes has only ended up protecting the Mac business model instead. Sorry, Pystar. source

14 Nov 2009 08:24


World: Obama wants to come to China, but can’t nail down the details

  • What the U.S. wants An unscripted town-hall-style event in which the president talks to around 1,000 Chinese youths about the issues facing their country. Ah, democracy. source
  • What the U.S. wants An unscripted town-hall-style event in which the president talks to around 1,000 Chinese youths about the issues facing their country. Ah, democracy.
  • What China wants A highly-vetted town-hall-style event in which the president talks to around 600 Chinese youths – tops – about the issues China allows. Ah, communism. source

31 May 2009 11:34


Culture: We’re not talking about Jon & Kate’s marital problems, but …

  • … we will discuss their show’s child labor problems. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is currently investigating the popular reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” as well as host network TLC, to determine whether the show is taking advantage of a bunch of young kids. Again, we don’t care about their marital problems. We’ll leave that for the tabloids. But a reality show overworking kids is a big deal. source