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14 Nov 2009 19:07


Tech: Pystar death star: Apple clones dealt another murderous blow

  • It’s unfortunate, but Apple was in the right legally. There are tons of side issues in the Mac clone case to end all Mac clone cases, but Pystar – which had famously been selling generic noisy black boxes and putting a bunch of Mac software on them – is done. Apple has them from just about every avenue possible – copyright infringement, derivative works, misuse of copyrights and DMCA violations. As a result, the case that would’ve allowed Hackintoshes has only ended up protecting the Mac business model instead. Sorry, Pystar. source

05 Sep 2009 01:23


Politics: Glenn Beck’s clone: Oh God, now there’s two of them.

  • Man, we need to work on our Glenn Beck impression. Maybe if there’s three Glenn Beck clones, we can gang up on the actual Glenn Beck and beat him up.source

31 May 2009 10:20


Tech: Apple clonemakers alternatingly rise and fall

  • Apple has a new unauthorized clone manufacturer to deal with. Quo Computer launches this week with a L.A.-based retail outlet. They plan to prove their worth to Apple by focusing on quality.
  • Good thing they showed up when they did, because fellow clone maker Psystar just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. They’ll still sell Hackintoishes, but their lawsuit against Apple was put on hold.
  • rise
  • fall