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09 May 2011 10:27


Biz, Tech: LinkedIn IPO could prove social media’s heft on the stock market

  • 7.84M number of shares of stock LinkedIn plans to sell during its IPO
  • $35 the high-end price the company’s shares could go for on the market
  • $3Bthe potential value of the company’s IPO — which is kind of a lot source
  • » Getting in early: LinkedIn is one of the first examples of a social media company taking its chances on the stock market, which suggests that Facebook — which is far more widely-used than LinkedIn is — could totally do well in the case of an IPO. The company, which announced its IPO intentions in January,  has filed to go on the New York Stock Exchange under “LKND.”

27 Nov 2010 11:43


Biz: General Motors officially crosses the “biggest IPO ever” mark

  • $23.1
    the size of GM’s IPO, officially the biggest global IPO on record
  • $49.5
    the amount they owe the government for their bailout source
  • » What’s needed next? If the government hopes to break even on its huge investment in GM, the stock needs to hit around $50 a share. It’s currently at $33.80, but if, say, the Chevy Volt is a huge success on the market, it could definitely hit that mark.

18 Nov 2010 10:15


Biz: GM hopes for, but can’t promise, a full bailout repayment

  • I don’t know where the market is going to be a year or two down the road, so I can’t make such a bold statement. Sure, I’m hopeful, and I’m not saying it can’t happen. I think the company is well positioned … so things look good for General Motors.
  • GM CEO Dan Akerson • Not committing to a full repayment of the taxpayers’ money from the bailout. It sounds like a hedging of the bets, honestly. If he says it now and the stock goes south, he’s on the record offering a promise he can’t keep. For what it’s worth, though, GM’s stock is doing boffo so far in its first day of trading, already up six percent in early-morning trading. source

17 Nov 2010 22:45


Biz: GM’s initial public offering does exactly what everyone expects

  • $20.1
    the amount raised by GM’s IPO earlier today (which is amazing, and the biggest ever)
  • $4.35
    the amount in preferred shares the company sold, far above the $4 billion anticipated
  • 33%
    the amount of GM the government will still own after the IPO, down from 61 percent source

16 Nov 2010 20:06


Biz: Bailout blossoming: GM’s pending IPO quickly growing ever-larger

  • 30% the increase in the total size of GM’s post-bailout IPO tomorrow
  • 478M number of shares to be offered to investors; more could be offered
  • $22.6B the potential size of the IPO, which would be the biggest ever source

10 Nov 2010 09:48


Biz: Bailed-out (and profitable!) General Motors kicking butt these days

  • $2 billion in profits for GM in the third quarter alone (*golf clap*)

Three reasons why this is good news:


  • one It’s shaping up to be their first profitable year since 2004 – long before we heard anything about auto industry bailouts.
  • two Most of the profits came from North America, where the company has been fairly weak in recent years. (Too many SUVs.)
  • three GM has an IPO coming very soon, and a solid performance like this bodes well for their return to stocks. source

12 Sep 2010 22:18


Tech: Demand Media IPO: Crap content may be massive cash cow

  • $1.5
    the potential market cap for Demand Media’s upcoming IPO
  • $1.2
    the current market cap of the New York Times Company source
  • » To understand how crazy that is, let’s point out what the two companies make. The New York Times (minus the Jayson Blair saga) has been known for creating some of the best journalism known to man. Demand Media, through sites like eHow and, is far more known for shoveling as much SEO-friendly content onto the Web as they can. Yet, they could be worth more in an IPO. What is our world coming to?

04 Sep 2010 10:30


Biz: General Motors’ IPO may not mean taxpayer payback at first

  • $70
    the amount GM needs to make on its IPO to ensure the government gets all of its bailout money back
  • $50
    the amount GM could make on the IPO at the low end; the cruddy economy may be a factor source
  • » Other considerations: The IPO is obviously only a starting point – the rest of the $43 billion the automaker still owes taxpayers could be made back later. But as a jumping-off point goes, it’d be nice to see the IPO on the high end, around $90 billion. (Edit: We’re dummies and we mistyped these earlier. Sorry.)

18 Aug 2010 19:26


Biz: General Motors’ IPO is pretty big, but it likely won’t be the biggest

  • $12-16 billion the amount GM’s upcoming IPO is expected to raise
  • $19.7
    the amount Visa’s 2008 IPO, the largest ever, raised source

29 Jun 2010 21:16


Biz: Tesla Motors’ IPO = Elon Musk isn’t broke anymore!

  • 40% the amount the stock increased on its IPO day (it was a great day)
  • 3.85% the amount the NASDAQ as a whole fell today (it was a bad day)

Elon Musk scored big, too

  • $70M the amount that Musk put into Tesla Motors all by himself – he was broke before today
  • $650Mthe amount that Musk’s share in the company is worth after today – not bad, duder
  • $15M the amount Musk took out to ensure his Tony Stark-like life can continue source