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15 Feb 2011 10:50


Tech: Steve Jobs on subscriber service: We won’t always take 30 percent

  • Our philosophy is simple – when Apple brings a new subscriber to the app, Apple earns a 30 percent share; when the publisher brings an existing or new subscriber to the app, the publisher keeps 100 percent and Apple earns nothing.
  • Steve Jobs (who’s still on medical leave) • In a statement announcing the new App Store subscription service, which reveals a pretty awesome financial path for publishers of all stripes. Apple will take their 30 percent revenue share if they lead to the subscription; if the publisher does it, they keep 100 percent. One interesting thing to note is the way that the service handles consumer information. Many magazine publishers make money by using consumer information from their subscriber base – a move somewhat at odds with Apple’s App Store model. In a compromise move, Apple will allow consumers to say how much information they want to give out. The overall model is similar to that of The Daily, which launched last month to general praise. source

12 Feb 2011 12:21


Tech: Apple’s big plan to combat Android? A smaller, no-contract iPhone

  • problem Apple’s current iPhone is a one-size-fits-all model which has allowed Android to get a foothold in the market with models of varying shapes and sizes.
  • solution? In response, Apple is reportedly planning a smaller iPhone model which – and this is important – wouldn’t require a plan, and would cost less than $200. source

08 Feb 2011 11:01


Tech: Did Verizon pull bait-and-switch on iPhone buyers with data plan?

  • cool After many years of waiting, Verizon started selling the iPhone on its service. It’s reportedly selling at extremely fast rates – faster than the Droid, even, Verizon’s previous best-selling phone. Apple could break its own sales record, too.
  • lame But, in a sneak attack only made public after a blogger happened to trip upon it, Verizon changed its data-management policy so that “unlimited” data users will see their speeds slow to a crawl if they use too much of it. WTF? source

24 Jan 2011 13:18


Tech: Australian iPhone users fight back against pricey citations

  • I could show you a list of maybe 20 to 30 parking tickets that I had last year, in my town, just by being a normal driver. I must have spent thousands of dollars.
  • Joseph Darling • The Australian man, through his firm, developed an iPhone app called “ParkPatrol,” which allows users to update and notify each other when parking police are in the area. The app displays the locations on a map, with cartoon policemen denoting where, at last notice, the citation-wielding officers are. Darling stated the idea was “pretty much born out of frustration.” source

21 Jan 2011 00:33


Tech: Things we don’t really need: an Angry Birds TV series

Angry Birds
Apparently, they’re making the hit smartphone game Angry Birds into an animated TV show. We think this is about as good of an idea as that Geico/caveman TV show a while back. source

18 Jan 2011 22:09


Biz, Tech: Steve Jobs may be sick, but Apple’s still killin’ profit expectations

  • Want to know the best way to get investors off your back about your iconic CEO’s illness? Post numbers that make everyone criticizing you look like chumps. That’s what Apple did today. And even though Steve is still sick (and hopefully he’s able to deal with that without a problem), the numbers suggest that Apple does so much right that it’ll be hard for them to screw up the next couple of quarters. Just to give you kids an idea:
  • $22 billion in revenues in the first quarter for Apple (very good)
  • 2% the increase in Apple’s stock after Apple’s numbers were released, nearly erasing earlier Jobs-illness-related losses
  • 4:5 the number of Fortune 500 companies currently field testing the increasingly-popular iPad – suggesting further success
  • 16.2M the number of iPhones Apple sold, which is way up from a year ago
  • 7.33M the number of iPads they sold – an extremely robust number
  • 4.1M the number of Macs they sold – also way up from a year ago source

13 Jan 2011 10:15


Tech: Here’s a round-up of the latest Apple iOS 4.3-related rumors

  • goodApple plans to allow iPad users to decide how they use the toggle on the side. In iOS 4.2, they changed its functionality, annoying lots of people.
  • betterThe new device will allow for more multi-touch hand gestures, and should allow users to turn their device into a personal hotspot.
  • weirdThe strangest rumor? Apple may ditch the home button and replace it with multi-touch gestures. Steve Jobs hates buttons! source

07 Jan 2011 21:08


Tech: Smart: Apple washing its hands of Verizon iPhone announcement

  • This is the sort of thing where Apple needs to play it cool, and act like this is just another carrier. Good news, but not big news. The bottom line from Apple is going to be something like, ‘We’re delighted to add Verizon as an iPhone carrier’. That’s it.
  • Daring Fireball’s John Gruber • Offering some perspective on Verizon’s forthcoming announcement, likely about the iPhone coming to the wireless provider (freaking finally). Truth is, this is a smart move. Back in 2006, Apple had a special event for stuff unworthy of a special event (remember the overpriced iPod Hi-Fi?) and they drew a ton of criticism, creating one of their biggest stumbles in recent memory. By having an Apple special event for the Verizon iPhone, they’d run the same risk. So, handing it over to Verizon gets around the problem entirely. Plus, now Verizon can fight with AT&T without Apple getting its hands dirty. Smart. source

06 Jan 2011 10:59


Tech: Sign of nervousness: AT&T cuts iPhone 3GS price by half

  • $49 somebody must be losing iPhone exclusivity soon source

02 Jan 2011 11:23


Tech: On iPhones, alarm clocks, and the quality of our own internal clock

  • so, our alarm didn’t go off this morning. Weirdest thing. It was set and everything, but it simply didn’t make noise. Fortunately, our internal clock managed to wake us up at 9 a.m. so it wasn’t too bad. But apparently the problem is widespread. See, our alarm clock? It’s an iPhone. And for some strange reason, the alarm stopped working on everyone else’s phones, leading to people not waking up in the morning. While Apple claims the problem will disappear on January 3rd … uh, wow. How did this happen in the first place? Isn’t this something you might test when you’re building your Jesus-phone? source