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02 Jun 2011 11:03


Tech: Windows 8 in action: Microsoft gives the mothership a shake-up

  • A refresh of “Start Menu” dynamics: Microsoft’s upcoming refresh of Windows is a bold reboot of an OS way-better known for its incremental updates. WIth an interface that’s closer to Windows Phone 7 than anything that the desktop OS has done, the GUI appears to be touch-first, mouse-second, but done in such a way that doesn’t necessarily turn off the mouse crowd. Honestly, this is the most-impressive GUI we’ve ever seen from Microsoft, if for no other reason than that most of their operating systems have been terrible, in our humble opinion. The ball’s in your court, Steve Jobs — whaddya got for us at WWDC? source

24 Jan 2009 01:55


Tech: A few top Mac milestones to note

  • They made the mouse cool At launch, the Mac was the first popular mass-produced computer that didn’t rely on keyboard commands to do everything. It focused on that clicking device that’s been a staple of computers ever since – the mouse. (Though they did hold onto that one-button thing for 24 years too long.) source
  • They made the mouse cool At launch, the Mac was the first popular mass-produced computer that didn’t rely on keyboard commands to do everything. It focused on that clicking device that’s been a staple of computers ever since – the mouse. (Though they did hold onto that one-button thing for 24 years too long.)
  • Popularizing GUIs Remember a time where you had to enter commands for a computer at a prompt? Of course you don’t. And if you did, you’re old. It’s because of the Mac that graphical user interfaces are now the way that people deal with computers. They borrowed it from Xerox, sure, but they also made it their own, before Microsoft stole it. source
  • They made the mouse cool At launch, the Mac was the first popular mass-produced computer that didn’t rely on keyboard commands to do everything. It focused on that clicking device that’s been a staple of computers ever since – the mouse. (Though they did hold onto that one-button thing for 24 years too long.)
  • Popularizing GUIs Remember a time where you had to enter commands for a computer at a prompt? Of course you don’t. And if you did, you’re old. It’s because of the Mac that graphical user interfaces are now the way that people deal with computers. They borrowed it from Xerox, sure, but they also made it their own, before Microsoft stole it.
  • First major Super Bowl Ad To launch the computer, Apple went bold, with a Orwellian vision of the future driving their first major commercial – a Ridley Scott-directed masterpiece that ushered in an era where the Super Bowl is just as much about the commercials as it is about who’s winning the dang game. source

24 Jan 2009 01:40


Tech: Happy birthday to Mac, happy birthday to mac …

  • 25th anniversary of the Apple Macintosh is today source