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08 Feb 2011 14:43


World: Iranian opposition figure Mousavi calls for solidarity march

  • Undoubtedly, the starting point of what we are witnessing in the streets of Tunis, Sana’a, Cairo, Alexandria and Suez should be seen in the Iranian protests.
  • Iranian “Green” leader Mir Hossein Mousavi • The opposition leader, whose unsuccessful run against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sparked anti-government protests within Iran, has called for demonstrations to be held in solidarity with revolutionary movements in other states. That this sort of call has gone out isn’t especially surprising in a geopolitical climate of profound uncertainty in the wake of Egypt’s civil uprising. With an increasingly modern, culturally westernized population block that is nearly 50% under the age of 30, the extent to which Iran is ripe for such an upheaval has been a weighty topic since the protests over 2009’s fraudulent election. Seeing other oppressors fall by the wayside can, one suspects, only help this possibility. source

25 Apr 2010 11:46


Offbeat: Guys in primary-colored spandex scare us to the core

  • Look, we like performance art as much as the next guy, but you know, we’re sure that the Blue Man Group has figured out a way to make the spandex look a little less … uh … scary. Watch the video. You’ll see what we’re getting at. source

17 Nov 2009 10:45


U.S.: A reported ponzi scheme swindled the elderly by going “green”

  • $30
    size of the reported ponzi scheme, which preyed on elderly investors source

26 Sep 2009 16:43


World: As you might guess, Iran’s Green Movement doesn’t want nukes

  • The Iranian Green Movement does not want a nuclear bomb, but instead desires peace for the world and democracy for Iran. The Green Movement in Iran furthermore understands the world’s concerns and in fact has similar concerns itself.
  • Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf • Regarding the disclosure that Iran has another nuclear facility, and where it fits in with the Green Movement behind the Iranian election protests earlier this year.  • source

09 Aug 2009 11:51


Tech, World: The fight for saving the environment goes top-level domain

  • .eco if you were an eco group, you’d want this, too source

06 Jul 2009 09:59


Tech: Let there be new, more energy-efficient, light bulbs

The innards of the light bulb on the left? Kinda junky. The innards of the one on the right? Energy efficient. Ooh, incandescent. source

15 Jun 2009 03:38


Tech, World: On Twitter and want to support Iran protests? Go #Green4Iran

Go Green
  • Many who support Mir Hussein Moussavi on Twitter today are going green in support of the candidate. J A Esselink, a.k.a. @Uncucumbered, has been putting in big time work to convince others to join her at a rate of hundreds an hour. Much credit to grassroots efforts. (Oh yeah, in other Twitter/Iran news, this is a great unfiltered way to read what’s happening in the country.)source

08 Mar 2009 20:51


Offbeat: Throwing food as protest: It’s not funny and it gets you arrested

  • What happened? A woman was arrested for throwing goopy green custard at British Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, who was going to attend a meeting on carbon emissions. The protester was upset with a plan to expand London’s Heathrow airport, so she threw a food projectile. What is this, the Three Freaking Stooges? source
  • What happened? A woman was arrested for throwing goopy green custard at British Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, who was going to attend a meeting on carbon emissions. The protester was upset with a plan to expand London’s Heathrow airport, so she threw a food projectile. What is this, the Three Freaking Stooges?
  • Analysis The thing about throwing food we don’t get is the fact that it’s pretty much the only form of cartoon violence you can use in real life. You can’t drop a 16-ton weight, you can’t fall down a gorge, you can’t hit an adversary over the head with a mallet. Those things would kill people. But you can throw a freaking pie. Sigh. source

03 Feb 2009 11:02


Tech: Ink is expensive. Use coffee grounds to print your stuff instead.

The RITI coffee printer probably will make your papers peppier. (See what I did there?) source

06 Jan 2009 11:38


Tech: It probably makes calls as well as a water bottle, too

Motorola tries for a “green” approach with their new recycled-from-bottles phone. source