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Posted on March 8, 2009 | tags


Offbeat: Throwing food as protest: It’s not funny and it gets you arrested

  • What happened? A woman was arrested for throwing goopy green custard at British Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, who was going to attend a meeting on carbon emissions. The protester was upset with a plan to expand London’s Heathrow airport, so she threw a food projectile. What is this, the Three Freaking Stooges? source
  • What happened? A woman was arrested for throwing goopy green custard at British Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, who was going to attend a meeting on carbon emissions. The protester was upset with a plan to expand London’s Heathrow airport, so she threw a food projectile. What is this, the Three Freaking Stooges?
  • Analysis The thing about throwing food we don’t get is the fact that it’s pretty much the only form of cartoon violence you can use in real life. You can’t drop a 16-ton weight, you can’t fall down a gorge, you can’t hit an adversary over the head with a mallet. Those things would kill people. But you can throw a freaking pie. Sigh. source