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10 Oct 2009 00:50


Tech: Congrats to AT&T for completely clouding the Google Voice issue

  • The FCC’s worried about that thing AT&T mentioned now. A couple weeks ago, we mentioned that it seemed like AT&T’s mentioning of Google Voice’s blocking of rural calls screamed of a lawyer looking very closely for a way to screw over Google. Well, it appears they’ve succeeded. The FCC sent a letter to Google asking why they were blocking those calls. If they decide that Google should be treated like big telecom companies in this regard, it could hurt a budding service. source

05 Oct 2009 20:39


Tech: Voice over hypocrite protocol: Vonage is coming to the iPhone

  • Guess Apple had a change of heart. See, here’s the thing. Google Voice is a program that works with the iPhone to add a ton of extra functionality that the phone doesn’t have, yet works over regular cell signals. The Vonage iPhone app, does exactly what Apple and AT&T claimed they were afraid of – cheap calls on a network other than AT&T’s – and it was approved! Where’s the logic in that, Apple? source

25 Sep 2009 18:41


Biz, Tech: We bet AT&T’s lawyers spent weeks looking for this nugget

  • By openly flaunting the call blocking prohibition that applies to its competitors, Google is acting in a manner inconsistent with the spirit, if not the letter, of the FCC’s fourth principle contained in its Internet Policy Statement.
  • AT&T senior vice president of federal regulatory affairs Robert Quinn • In a letter to the FCC that criticizes the App Store-rejected Google Voice in the midst of the net neutrality debate. Their claim? Because it doesn’t connect everywhere yet, Google Voice flaunts the FCC’s 2007 ban on long-distance providers blocking calls to certain rural areas. It’s like … OH! Let’s find an obscure decision and use it to criticize Google Voice, that software we don’t like! They may have a point, yes, but it feels like they had to reach to find it. • source

19 Sep 2009 10:17


Tech: The saga of the Google Voice iPhone app gets more drama-laden

  • Google says Google admitted yesterday that Apple was not still looking into the Google Voice application, but that it was rejected for duplicating functionality. source
  • Google says Google admitted yesterday that Apple was not still looking into the Google Voice application, but that it was rejected for duplicating functionality.
  • Apple says For Apple’s part in the mix, they say that they’re telling the truth. If they weren’t, it would effectively mean they were lying to the FCC. That’s bad. source
  • Google says Google admitted yesterday that Apple was not still looking into the Google Voice application, but that it was rejected for duplicating functionality.
  • Apple says For Apple’s part in the mix, they say that they’re telling the truth. If they weren’t, it would effectively mean they were lying to the FCC. That’s bad.
  • TechCrunch butts in TechCrunch says that Google has a screenshot of the actual rejection letter. It’s offering a T-shirt to the Google employee that sends it along. Classy. source

21 Aug 2009 23:22


Tech: Apple’s all like, we didn’t deny that Google Voice iPhone app yet

  • They say it might confuse users. Despite the fact that 1) It’s already being used elsewhere, 2) It’s a Google app and 3) There’s extreme criticism from end users over the app’s denial, Apple is still debating the Google Voice app. It wrote in its letter to the FCC that the app replaces “the iPhone’s core mobile telephone functionality and Apple user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls, text messaging and voice mail.” Duh. One other note: Apple apparently doesn’t discuss apps with AT&T, as was feared, but agreed not to allow VOIP apps like Skype. The FCC’s looking into that, too. source

01 Aug 2009 14:22


Biz, Tech: AT&T: Don’t blame us for Google Voice. Blame Apple.

  • AT&T does not manage or approve applications for the App Store. We have received the letter and will, of course, respond to it.
  • AT&T • In a statement to Mashable regarding the controversy circling the Google Voice iPhone app. While AT&T themselves may not have forced the hand of Apple, agreements put in place may have directly influenced it.  • source

01 Aug 2009 10:41


Tech: FCC to Apple and AT&T: Explain why you’re blocking Google Voice

  • Stern letters? Submitted. The other day, it came out that Apple had declined Google’s submission of a Google Voice app on the iPhone, saying the app duplicated functionality on the iPhone. Usually, customers get grumpy about things like this and it gets ignored, but this time the Federal Communications Commission stepped in, sending letters to Apple, Google and AT&T, asking what led to this. It’s not a formal investigation, but the pressure is definitely good for consumers. The FCC, however, is investigating the exclusive relationship between some carriers and some phone-makers. Like, you know, Apple and AT&T. source