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08 Jun 2011 21:24


U.S.: The gender pay gap: Still alive and kicking

  • $44,149 median starting salary for males with a bachelor’s degree, as of 2010
  • $36,451 median starting salary for a woman with the same degree source
  • » Just for the record, that’s a 17% difference between genders.

21 Sep 2010 20:53


U.S.: Obesity is expensive, but it’s way more expensive for women

  • $4,879 the yearly cost of being obese for women
  • $2,646 the yearly cost of being obese for men source
  • » Why the disparity?: Apparently, it’s because overweight women tend to make less than thin women do, but men suffer from no similar weight tax on their income. The really scary thing, by the way, is that once life expectancy is factored in, the numbers become significantly higher – $8,365 for women and $6,518 for men. Yikes.

06 Jul 2010 11:11


World: Caster Semenya can run again – as a woman, not a man

Fans of comeback stories will like this one. After nearly a year of often-mean-spirited gender second-guessing, Semenya will get back on the track. source

19 Nov 2009 09:50


World: Caster Semenya, the sorta-kinda-girl, gets to keep her gold medal

  • Because Caster has been found to be innocent of any wrong, she will then retain her gold medal, retain her title of 800m world champion and retain her prize money.
  • A message from the South African sports ministry • Describing the decision to allow the runner, under tons of scrutiny due to gender tests that were perhaps a little too public and revealing for their own good, to keep her medal. We have to imagine, though, that it’s going to be tough for Caster Semenya to run in the future because of this controversy. • source

31 Oct 2009 19:03


Culture: Chaz Bono on becoming, not dressing up like, a guy

  • I believe that gender is something between your ears, not between your legs. That is something I discovered in the early ’90s. It was just a long process of being comfortable enough to do something about it.
  • Chaz Bono • Speaking out about his sex change, which started in March. Describing what finally made him decide to do something about it, it was his age. Cher’s new son was pushing 40, and felt that he needed to do it before he missed his chance. “I was turning 40 and I thought it’s now or never,” he said. “I want to still feel vibrant and be able to enjoy my life in a male body and not wait until I am an old man.” • source

09 Oct 2009 04:37


U.S.: More women than men hit by military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” rule

  • 56 women were dismissed from the military for being gay, versus 34 men source

19 Sep 2009 10:07


Sports: South African official in Caster Semenya case lied about gender tests

  • If we did not let her run, we would be confirming that she is not normal.
  • Athletics South Africa President Leonard Chuene • On the decision to let Caster Semenya run even though they knew gender tests were being performed on her. What’s important to note is that this apology did not come out on its own; South Africa’s Mail & Guardian printed e-mails essentially confirming that they knew the tests were happening before Semenya ran the 800-meter race in Berlin, a race in which she crushed the competition. He lied. • source

25 Aug 2009 10:33


Sports: Caster Semenya may be a lady, but her testosterone level disagrees

  • She has three times the expected testosterone level. South African runner Caster Semenya’s been facing questions about her gender for weeks, questions only exploding because of her recent breakaway at the World Athletics Championships last week. Now that tests suggest that she has an unusually high testosterone level, expect those questions to get even louder. May we suggest something? It’s not her fault that her genetic makeup is a little off. It’s not like she took steroids or put on a swimsuit designed to make her go faster. Let her have her victory untainted, jerks. source

20 Aug 2009 22:40


Sports: Caster Semenya could be a fast female, or a speedy sir

“Looks like a man and runs like a man, it might be a dude.” That’s how our girlfriend put it. source