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17 Jul 2009 16:06


Offbeat: Hi honey, I’m in this Facebook ad to tell you HOT SINGLES WANT YOU!

What a hilarious ad. A guy spotted his wife’s mug in a Facebook ad suggesting he go looking for other women. source

11 Jul 2009 11:16


Biz: The media mogul: A soon-to-be-extinct species?

  • I don’t think you’re going to have those anymore. Bigness isn’t that great an asset anymore.
  • Tom Freston • A former Viacom Chief Executive, on media moguls who built their bread a generation ago, but could be outshone by companies like Twitter and Facebook. The two groups were major parts of a conference this week in Sun Valley, Idaho. The advantage that Twitter and Facebook have is that they’re relatively small. The disadvantage that media giants have is that they tend to want to consolidate too much – see the messy marriage of AOL Time Warner if you need a specific example.  • source

10 Jul 2009 17:32


Tech, World: High-profile Brit caught with his pants down (thanks to Facebook)

  • It’s not a state secret that he wears Speedo swimming trunks, for goodness sake.
  • British Foreign Secretary David Miliband • On Sir John Sawers’ private family photos, among other things, that ended up being published in the Mail on Sunday. How did they get a hold of this stuff you ask? He is the British representative to the United Nations and soon to be head of the British Secret Intelligence Service after all. Well, it seems his wife, Lady Sawers, doesn’t quite understand Facebook’s privacy settings. Oops. • source

07 Jul 2009 18:03


World: China blocks access to Twitter, Facebook, proves they’re total douches.

  • Following the deadly riots in Xinjiang, the government is reportedly blocking all the fun stuff on the internet. I mean, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube? That’s a lot of people’s plans for Saturday night summed up right there. Not to mention all those, um, human rights issues too. Bummer. source

07 Jul 2009 16:29


Biz: Generally speaking, money is growing on trees over at Facebook.

  • Generally speaking, people who are selling their stock in Facebook now are making a mistake.
  • Facebook board member and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Mark Andreessen • stating the obvious. With money coming out its a** and more than 225 million registered users, we think you would have to have a serious brain fart (or some killer insider information) to sell any of its stock.  • source

07 Jul 2009 16:15


Biz: Facebook to world: What recession? We still rock.

  • $500 million is their lowball estimate of what Facebook will be raking in this year for revenue. source

03 Jul 2009 11:22


Tech: Is leaving MySpace for Facebook somehow racist?

  • The fact that digital migration is revealing the same social patterns as urban white flight should send warning signals to all of us. It should scare the hell out of us.
  • Internet smart person Danah Boyd • On the uncomfortable truth that people are going to Facebook instead of MySpace, and those still on MySpace are the equivalent of city-dwellers during the white flight era. Is some sort of racism going on? Are people under the assumption that people on MySpace are lower-class cretins? We argue that it’s because MySpace isn’t a place for friends anymore. • source

02 Jul 2009 01:30


Tech: Yo Twitter & Facebook: What the F*&# is “session test”?

  • I get a Session Test every time I try to install the twitter app. I finally gave in and joined twitter and I can’t use with FB. How many days does it take to fix a bug. And who or what is Session Test?
  • Roy Moskowitz • An (understandably) annoyed Facebook user who can’t integrate his account with Twitter because an application called “session test,” whose main purpose seems to be preventing Twitter functionality with Facebook if you’re a new user. Old ones don’t have any problems, but new ones get an error message that says “Error while loading page from ‘session test,'” which sounds like the most cryptic error message ever. And worse, neither company is racing to fix this problem. Screw you Bob McTest, whoever you are. • source

27 Jun 2009 17:13


Biz, Tech: What are Google and Facebook fighting for? Lots of ad money

  • $50 billion amount of ad money floating around the Internet each year; much of it goes to Google source

27 Jun 2009 17:08


Biz, Tech: Google and Facebook are in a bare-knuckles fight to own the Web

  • In one ultra-organized corner … Google Google’s been on top of the heap for nearly a decade, and it’s a firm hold. They’ve built themselves around the idea that the Web’s organization should be simple. Their ads are well-targeted, and their services – especially search, Gmail and News – are incredibly useful. They made $4.2 billion last year alone.
    However, they have one big problem: They can’t convince the brands of Madison Ave. to work with them.

  • In one ultra-organized corner … Google Google’s been on top of the heap for nearly a decade, and it’s a firm hold. They’ve built themselves around the idea that the Web’s organization should be simple. Their ads are well-targeted, and their services – especially search, Gmail and News – are incredibly useful. They made $4.2 billion last year alone.
    However, they have one big problem: They can’t convince the brands of Madison Ave. to work with them.

  • And in a more social one … Facebook Facebook, on the other hand, is building influence and currency on the Web. They’ve got critical mass, and, smartly, didn’t even focus on competing with MySpace. They want to be the new Google, and have just the right arrogant CEO to pull it off. Their hyper-focused information means they can focus on advertising for brands.
    However, they have one big problem: They keep pissing off their customers by evolving too quickly. source