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19 Jun 2010 17:06


01 Jun 2009 21:36


Culture: Why Eminem isn’t really relevant anymore. Just famous.

  • About five or six years ago, Eminem would have been the one responsible for making a memorable scene like this. Now he’s just the victim.source

19 May 2009 21:22


Music: Think Pitchfork’s right about Eminem’s “Relapse”? Judge for yourself.

19 May 2009 09:02


Music: Eminem gets a backhanded compliment from Pitchfork on “Relapse”

  • 4.8 At least it’s not as bad as “Encore” was, they say source

15 May 2009 19:46


Music: Eminem has a different kind of weight problem from Jessica Simpson

Slim Shady’s looking a lot slimmer these days. He says it’s because he stopped drinking. In other news, “Relapse” leaked. source

12 May 2009 22:49


Culture, Music: Eminem’s bringing a crew bigger than D12 to Jimmy Kimmel

  • 200 laid-off Detroit autoworkers will join Slim Shady on Friday source

07 Apr 2009 10:12


Culture, Music, Politics: Dear Eminem: The formula’s wearing very thin

  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising? source
  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising?
  • The video Eminem is one of maybe four artists – Michael Jackson, Weird Al and Weezer being the other three – who nails the videos every time. “We Made You,” the first single from “Relapse,” is no exception. With pop-culture riffs all over the place, it manages to nail Jessica Simpson, “Star Trek” (see Dre as Capt. Kirk; LOL) and a host of other media icons with ease. source
  • We get it, man. Marshall, you’re one of the biggest pop stars in the world, and this is the make-or-break moment. Critics, who howled in disappointment at “Encore,” are wanting “Relapse” (out in May) to be a return to form. Fans are looking for the most notorious rapper of the last decade to start making hits again. But could you at least make it a little more surprising?
  • The video Eminem is one of maybe four artists – Michael Jackson, Weird Al and Weezer being the other three – who nails the videos every time. “We Made You,” the first single from “Relapse,” is no exception. With pop-culture riffs all over the place, it manages to nail Jessica Simpson, “Star Trek” (see Dre as Capt. Kirk; LOL) and a host of other media icons with ease.
  • However … … this is exactly the kind of song and exactly the kind of video that Eminem releases as a first single – and a decade in, and his aim’s getting a little off. Riffs on Bret Michaels and Portia di Rossi? Really? And we can see a few Republicans getting uppity over Sarah Palin’s trashing. Marshall, you need a new trick; this one’s just old and tired. source

06 Apr 2009 11:17


Music: It’s Spring! Here’s five albums you should save your nickels for.

  • German garage act King Khan & The Shrines (a killer live act) finally brings their blazing “What Is?!” to the U.S. (April 21).
  • UK act Art Brut’s “Art Brut vs. Satan” (out May 12 Stateside) promises to be high-concept (in a really good way).
  • Jason Lytle, the former lead dude of Grandaddy, goes uber-twee with solo debut “Yours Truly, the Commuter” (out May 19).
  • Also on May 19, Eminem, long out of the game, tries to remind everyone that he’s still alive and still worthy with “Relapse.”
  • Perhaps the most anticipated indie release of the Spring season? Grizzly Bear’s highly-hyped “Veckatimest” (May 26).