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17 Nov 2009 10:28


U.S.: Sen. Robert Byrd is about to become the longest-serving congressman

  • 20,774 number of days – or 56 years, 10½ months – Byrd has served; he (finally!) breaks the record at midnight source

08 Nov 2009 11:50


07 Nov 2009 13:37


Politics: The speech we missed Sarah Palin give on election day 2008

  • It’s been just 68 days since that afternoon in Dayton, Ohio, when Sen. McCain introduced me as his running mate. He is truly the maverick. My fellow Americans, tens of millions of you shared our convictions and gave us your votes. And I thank you for your confidence. We were facing tough odds and formidable opponents.
  • The words of 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin • In a speech she would have given had John McCain won the presidency last year. Palin didn’t get to give a losing speech, either – McCain’s handlers decided it was best to let the old man handle the loss himself. If the former Alaska governor had given a losing speech, she would have said this: “I wish Barack Obama well as the 44th president of the United States. If he governs America with the skill and grace we have often seen in him, and the greatness of which he is capable, we’re gonna be just fine.” This is painful to look at now, considering how dirty American politics have gotten. • source

04 Nov 2009 21:13


Politics: Holy crap, did you see Maine’s anti-gay-marriage ads?

  • Jesus Christ, wouldn’t you vote yes if you saw an ad this freaking scary-sounding? It makes gay marriage sound like a nightmare and a legal boondoggle. We’re kind of offended by the fact that scare tactics played such a huge role in this campaign. Even though more money went to the “No on 1” campaign, they still lost. Sigh.source

04 Nov 2009 10:45


U.S.: The New York Times overanalyzes Obama in great detail

  • A year after Barack Obama was elected president, he is juggling many of the issues that defined his candidacy — and then some.
  • The lede to a New York Times piece on Obama’s status one year after the election • The piece, which visually is immaculately broken down, splits his presidency into ten different parts, from “Terrorism Suspects” to “Influence.” Plus, it’s interactive and allows for reader comments. Way to show off, NYT. • source

04 Nov 2009 10:09


U.S.: Here’s a photo of a bunch of sad gay marriage supporters in Maine

It was a fairly close race considering, but 47.25% isn’t enough to ensure gay marriage across the state of Maine. source

03 Nov 2009 22:15


U.S.: ELECTION RESULTS: Chris Christie upsets Jon Corzine in New Jersey

  • It was a close race, at the end, but it wasn’t enough to keep the incumbent in office. In an election night which is starting to look like a wash for the Democrats, the Republicans won the two biggest prizes up for grabs. Poll numbers at the end leaned towards Corzine, but independents didn’t stick with him. The AP is calling this (and we usually boycott them), but we feel that this news is big enough that it’s worth an exception.source

03 Nov 2009 22:07


U.S.: ELECTION RESULTS: Michael Bloomberg NYC mayor for a third term

  • $90 million to easily win himself another term source

03 Nov 2009 20:14


U.S.: ELECTION RESULTS! Bob McDonnell clobbers Creigh Deeds in Virginia

  • Just look at these poll numbers! Creigh Deeds never had a chance. And he did so poorly that the race could be called almost immediately after the polls close. Is this a bad sign for Obama? Who knows. All we know is that that whole Regent University paper controversy never once nicked McDonnell. Congrats, new Virginia governor. Let us know if you want to hang with the ShortFormBlog staff in Adams Morgan at some point. We imagine that place is totally your scene on Saturday night at about 2:30 a.m.source

03 Nov 2009 09:27


U.S.: Obama, one year after his election, is still coasting on his good looks

  • 54% approve of Obama despite the fact that his policies are ranking below those rates source