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13 Jun 2010 11:51


Tech: The Human Genome Project didn’t cure cancer after all, guys

  • $3
    amount that was spent to decode the human genome, a project finished a decade ago
  • not
    the project’s benefit to the medical world since then (its original selling point) source
  • » Clarification: While the completion of the Human Genome Project led to Bill Clinton saying that it will “revolutionize the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases,” it hasn’t led to direct cures but perhaps more informed answers. It’s becoming clear to some that rare variants, not common genes, are likely the cause of many diseases. Meaning it’s not a silver bullet but a definite starting point. “Genomics is a way to do science, not medicine,” said Harold Varmus, the incoming chair of the National Cancer Institute.

12 Apr 2010 08:53


U.S.: Doctors seem more willing to let you turn on, tune in, drop out

  • All of a sudden, everything familiar started evaporating. Imagine you fall off a boat out in the open ocean, and you turn around, and the boat is gone. And then the water’s gone. And then you’re gone.
  • Retired psychologist Dr. Clark Martin • Regarding the psychedelic experience he had which he says cured his long-lasting depression. Now that doctors have had a good 40 years of distance from the hippies (but not the bizarro hippies), it appears that doctors are willing to give the drugs another try in a controlled setting. The studies have been on a small scale so far, but the results appear promising. source

30 Jan 2010 10:37


U.S., World: Haiti’s most in-need patients can’t go to the U.S. anymore

  • Florida stands ready to assist our neighbors in Haiti, but we need a plan of action and reimbursement for the care we are providing.
  • Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s spokesperson, Sterling Ivey • Regarding the governor’s push for the U.S. to end airlifts from Haiti due to the fact they’re not getting paid. These airlifts, which were for critically-injured patients, were costing the Florida government millions – and they weren’t even the only state doing them! The military claims they ended the airlifts because the hospitals stopped accepting patients. This is bad all around. source

16 Jan 2010 16:49


World: Sanjay Gupta officially more helpful than the United Nations

  • What is striking to me as a physician is that patients who just had surgery, patients who are critically ill are essentially being left here, nobody to care for them.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta • Regarding a situation where he ended up helping a bunch of earthquake victims out of security concerns after the UN-led group that was there was reportedly told to leave out of security concerns. Gupta stayed overnight with the victims, trying to help them out, but having trouble due to lack of supplies. The UN, for their part, claims it did not tell the doctors and other medical support to leave, but other organizations they were tied to might have. Gupta made sure all the victims survived through the night, because he’s an amazing human being. source

31 Dec 2009 17:05


U.S.: Montana Supreme Court: Jack Kevorkian should move here

  • We find nothing in Montana Supreme Court precedent or Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy.
  • A decision by the Montana Supreme Court • Regarding the fate of Robert Baxter, who wanted to die with a doctor’s aid. He later died on his own. In other words, assisted suicide is now legal in middle-of-nowhere Montana. Montana: It’s where people go to die (with a doctor’s help). source

17 Sep 2009 10:03


Biz: Is taxing soda a good idea? Doctors, lobbyists push the issue

  • Many doctors say that putting a tax on soda – much like cigarettes – helps promote healthier choices by discouraging the empty calories of sugar water. source
  • The beverage industry (which can throw lots of money at this issue), however, is fighting this idea tooth and nail. And support for the tax is not universal. source

19 Jul 2009 23:26


U.S.: Docs still a little fuzzy on what the 5-Hour Energy drink will do to you

  • 350 millon number of 5-Hour Energy drinks expected to be sold this year source

27 Feb 2009 14:58


U.S.: Bush’s abortion “conscience” rules? Obama’s throwing ’em out.

  • We’ve been concerned that the way the Bush rule is written it could make it harder for women to get the care they need.
  • A Health and Human Services official • on reversing the policy, which was implemented in December. The administration wants to take the concerns of doctors with moral disagreements into consideration, but in the form of tightly-written regulations. They thought Bush’s rules were too vague. • source