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14 May 2009 21:48


Music: Help Paste Magazine stave off advertising cuts or they’ll get deleted

  • Sigh, magazines are feeling it too. Paste, which is probably one of the best music magazines out there (even if it does dig deep into that mushy adult-pop-indie), is begging for your help to stay afloat. Seriously. They have a donation page and everything. Plus, Paste is awesome. Why would we want this magazine to die? Sigh. Throw in $25 bones and help pay for someone’s freelance piece. You’ll feel better for it, trust us. source

12 May 2009 21:34


World: The Middle East is running low on Christianity right now

  • 5% are Christian and that number’s dropping like a bad habit source

11 May 2009 09:34


Biz: The New York Times owners may have lost much of their wealth

  • -86% loss of the Sulzburger family fortune, sez the NY Post source

08 May 2009 11:50


Biz: Think GM is doing really bad? Check out Toyota’s losses.

  • $4.4 billion in annual losses – their first down year since 1950 source

07 May 2009 08:32


Biz, U.S.: GM lost a cartoon-eye-poppin’ amount of money in Q1

  • $6 billion in losses for the broken dreams manufacturer source

04 May 2009 19:37


Biz: Why was the Boston Globe in danger? Huge losses.

  • $85 million in losses this year – a huge chunk of change source

02 May 2009 10:48


Biz, U.S.: Warren Buffett hasn’t seen the economic revcovery yet

  • There’s no signs of any real bounce at all in anything to do with housing, retailing, all that sort of thing. You never know for sure, even if there’s a leveling off, which way the next move will be.
  • Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett • On the housing market’s lack of improvement since the recession took hold. Berkshire Hathaway, by the way, has suffered pretty heavily, too in the wake of the economic meltdown. • source

01 May 2009 19:53


Biz: Here’s an ultra-depressing number from Chrysler

30 Apr 2009 10:14


Biz, U.S.: Consumer spending takes another small tumble in March

  • -0.2% the bigger-than-expected decline in spending source

27 Apr 2009 20:43


Biz, U.S.: Newspapers fall deeper and deeper into oblivion

  • -7.1% circulation decline in the last six months o_O source