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28 Feb 2011 20:58


World: Jaycee Lee Dugard’s captors: We confess to everything

Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, who reportedly kept Dugard in captivity for almost two decades, chose to confess partly to ensure a lighter sentence for Nancy. source

14 Jan 2011 20:06


Tech: Hey guys, look what the Huffington Post is doing with our data

  • Look, it’s great that the Huffington Post is trying to make our news experience more social, but this is a tad bit over the line. Come on. This is just plain unethical. Look, the social news element is one thing, but they gathered people’s birthdays from Facebook and used them in a really weird way, without telling us they were going to do it. Bad idea. source

15 Sep 2010 20:39


Tech: Google engineer fired for being really creepy and stuff

  • creepy A Google employee was fired for reportedly breaking the company’s internal privacy policy. Which is pretty darn creepy.
  • creepier According to Gawker, he was hacking into the Gmail and Google Voice accounts OF CHILDREN HE KNEW. Yikes. source
  • » One caveat: It appears the abuses weren’t sexual in nature (because we know that’s what you were thinking.) Rather, this was a 27-year-old guy hanging around with kids half his age, because that’s perfectly normal and won’t raise any eyebrows. It appears the abuses were him just showing off to the kids more than anything.

15 Mar 2010 10:08


Politics: Rielle Hunter to GQ: She calls him “Johnny.” Ulgh, yuck.

  • He… always said that he would support whatever decision I made. But I believe on some level he was hoping that I would get an abortion. Because he didn’t – he wasn’t happy about the timing. Which is understandable. He was married and running for president.
  • Rielle Hunter • Speaking in an interview with GQ Magazine in her first statement of any kind since the scandal first broke. Hunter seems delusional – she talks about their relationship in terms that make it seem like he’s gonna be there forever. And the photos are cheesecake. Regarding her “Johnny” references, it turns out she’s right. “You know, when I first met him, the first week of our relationship,” she said, “I said to him, ‘For some reason I cannot call you John, it doesn’t come out. Could I call you Johnny?’ And he said, ‘That’s my name.’ And I didn’t know that, but that’s his actual birth name.” Shoot us now. source

11 Mar 2010 21:23


Culture: The Price is Creepy: Bob Barker was a sexual harassment machine

  • “Tickie, tickie, tickie!” We do not see Drew Carey trying to get away with any of these Showcase Showdown moves. Pretty much across the board, all of these “Price is Right” moments are just a little creepy. We have to imagine over time, Bob Barker mellowed out and avoided saying explicitly sexual stuff on the air, but in these clips, he’s still fairly young and still fairly handsome. And creepy. Oh, man, is he just a massive creepbag. source

11 Mar 2010 21:08


Politics: Eric Massa’s Navy days: Unwanted come-ons and “snorkeling”

  • When you’re on ship, you’re almost exhausted 24-7. So a lot of times you sleep with your uniform on. Tom and Massa shared a stateroom together. Massa climbed up on the top of his bunk, which is hard to do – you never crawl up on somebody else’s bunk. He wakes up to Massa undoing his pants trying to snorkel him.
  • Eric Massa’s Navy shipmate Peter Clarke • Regarding an attempted sexual assault by the former congressman against Tom Maxfield, a roommate. The Atlantic did some hard-hitting reporting on this one. Massa said something on Glenn Beck the other day to the effect that he wasn’t involved in anything like what he’s being accused of during his Navy days (despite the photos, oh the photos?), and reporter Joshua Green bothered to ask. Their response, collectively: Yes, he did. So why didn’t they say something then? Because he was seen as upwardly mobile. Some are suggesting Massa get investigated anyway. Yeah, he should. source

18 Dec 2009 16:00


Music: Bob Dylan is The Ghost of Tom Petty’s Christmas Future

  • Tom Petty, 1985 Until today, we were sure that this was the creepiest good music video ever made. This “Alice in Wonderland” riff made Petty – before now somewhat of a standard-issue trad-rocker – into something vaguely sinister. Which is why it rules.

  • Bob Dylan, 2009 Same mad hatter pose, more Christmas. More scary. Less Alice getting cut up into little pieces for the band to eat. Same hat and haircut. More beard that makes Bob look like a weird guy.  We’re curious who Tom Petty’s Ghost of Christmas Past is.

22 Jun 2009 13:21


Culture: OMG OMG did you see the photos from Tim Burton’s “Alice”?!

  • We know what you’re thinking. Johnny Depp really looks good in drag. Oh wait, he’s not Alice? Whoaaaaa. Sorry. :(source

25 Mar 2009 22:46


Culture: Really, who wouldn’t want to stalk Olympian Shawn Johnson?

  • Johnson, who’s 17, a gymnast, and kind of hot, got a creepy visitor at work – “Dancing With the Stars” – recently. A guy 17 years her senior apparently showed up to say haaaaaay. source
  • The man, Robert O’Ryan, was stopped by security. He had two loaded guns in his car and now has a brand-new restraining order against him. We imagine Woz gets this all the time, you know. source