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30 Nov 2010 00:22


Offbeat, U.S.: If you keep rubber bands in your car, you might get searched

  • standard Cops in Pennsylvania pulled a guy over because a GPS unit was blocking the driver’s view. No big deal, right?
  • unusual Upon searching his car, the officers found 26 pounds of cocaine (!), worth $1.2 million, hiding in a secret compartment.
  • dubious The probable cause for the search was…the presence of rubber bands (often used to stack money). source

06 Aug 2010 15:14


U.S.: Want to rob somebody? Do it in lovely Colorado Springs

There’s apparently a 23 percent chance that the penny-pinching city’s cops are all busy. There’s a 100 percent chance that we just took your wallet. source

13 Jul 2010 23:13


World: Mafia Wars, lost: An Italian crime family gets overwhelmed by cops

  • 300+ number of members of the massive ‘Ndrangheta crime family were arrested today
  • 3,000+ number of police it took to nail most of them (not bad for a day’s work, boys; not bad at all) source

28 Jul 2009 20:42


U.S.: The feds use a little stimulus cash to boost up police

  • $1 billion more to put more cops on the streets; no word on donuts source

26 Jun 2009 13:02


World: A lot of dirty cops in Mexico got arrested for being dirty

  • 92 officers got hit for helping out Mexican drug cartels source

20 May 2009 21:26


U.S.: Police brutality caught on video costs Alabama officers their jobs

  • 11 seconds length of the video showing the beating of Anthony Warren source

01 Feb 2009 17:21


Culture: Tommy Lee’s helicopter pulled over, a.k.a. the best story ever

  • What happened? Lee, a rock star you may have heard of from a few videos, was riding shotgun in a helicopter that was flying too close to a LAPD copter in Glendale, Calif. Their helicopter was pulled over. We wish our life was this interesting. source
  • What happened? Lee, a rock star you may have heard of from a few videos, was riding shotgun in a helicopter that was flying too close to a LAPD copter in Glendale, Calif. Their helicopter was pulled over. We wish our life was this interesting.
  • Drinking afterwards?, which broke the story (because they’re that awesome) claims that Lee was drinking immediately after landing, and was given a blood-alcohol test by the cops. The FAA is still investigating the incident, and the pilot might face charges. source