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15 Oct 2011 14:47


U.S.: Brutal incident at NYC McDonald’s: Self-defense or unchecked violence?

  • There is video of this on YouTube. We’re linking it instead of posting it, because it’s that violent and difficult to watch. Here’s what happened: Two customers got unruly after a McDonald’s employee wouldn’t give them their food until he could check the $50 bill they handed over. The customers started slapping him, and then jumped over the counter to confront him. What these unruly customers didn’t know is that the employee, Rayon McIntosh, recently got out of jail for manslaughter, and the incident set him off. He got a hold of a metal pole and started beating them savagely. One of the customers suffered a broken arm and fractured skull. The result? Both the customers and McIntosh got charged, in McIntosh’s case with felony assault. The chain and franchise owner have both come out against McIntosh’s actions, but the video itself seems to support a reasonable cause for self-defense, even if McIntosh’s own reaction was too heavy-handed (to put it lightly). Watch the video and see what you think. source

20 May 2009 21:26


U.S.: Police brutality caught on video costs Alabama officers their jobs

  • 11 seconds length of the video showing the beating of Anthony Warren source

02 Mar 2009 22:17


Tech, U.S.: The latest type of Supreme Court evidence: YouTube videos

This video of a police officer repeatedly tasering a motorist was shown in a recent case. source