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05 Jul 2009 21:12


Culture: “Transformers” and “Ice Age” feel the box-office love equally

  • $42.5 million estimated for both bots and mammoths source

26 Jun 2009 03:34


Culture: First “Jon & Kate,” now “Transformers”: Why, America, why?

  • $60 million on Wed. for the worst film until “Transformers 3” source

21 Jun 2009 23:31


Culture: On a much lighter topic, Sandra Bullock had her biggest opening ever

  • $34.1 million for proposing to Ryan Reynolds source

14 Jun 2009 19:16


Culture: The pop-culture hangover continues at the box office

  • $33.4 million for “The Hangover”, which ruled again source

13 Jun 2009 21:36


Culture: “Hangover” director Todd Phillips, on the movie’s surprise success

  • They gave us a standing ovation after the screening, which I’ve never seen before. I think everyone was drunk.
  • Todd Phillips • On the film’s Dublin premiere. Philips, who has the hits “Road Trip” and “Old School” to his name, is responsible for the third-largest opening for an R-rated comedy ever, which is even more impressive if you keep in mind three things: One, that the top two openings were major franchises (“Sex in the City” and “American Pie 2”); two, that the movie had no marquee stars (we’re so happy Zach Galifianakis has been unleashed on the world); and three, that Phillips started his career as a documentarian for shock-rocker GG Allin. • source

13 Jun 2009 21:20


Culture: “The Hangover” continues its top-tier hangover at the box-office

  • $10.4 million The Friday take of “The Hangover,” which came from behind to top the box office last week source

07 Jun 2009 21:05


Culture: “Up” still up top, “Land of the Lost” bombs, “The Hangover” hangs

  • $44.2 million The second-week take for Pixar’s “Up,” which was followed right behind by “The Hangover,” which earned $43.3 million. source

06 Jun 2009 18:38


Culture: Friday box-office: Second bananas are funnier than “Land of the Lost”

  • $16 million The Friday opening for “The Hangover,” the well-reviewed vehicle for Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis source

25 May 2009 09:30


Culture: “Terminator” terminated by “Night at the Museum”

  • $53.5 million The Friday-Sunday take of “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian,” which did unexpectedly awesomely source

17 May 2009 13:24


Culture: “Angels & Demons” a big hit, but it’s no “Star Trek”

  • $48 million the weekend take of the latest Tom Hanks controversial religious-thriller flick source