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01 Nov 2009 21:36


Biz: Who takes the second worst of the bankrupt CIT? Small businesses.

  • In the best of times you would have seen a situation where other lenders would certainly have been willing to consider getting into this business. In the current environment, given the constraints on credit generally, there’s not enough capacity out there.
  • Pryor Cashman bankruptcy group law partner Mark Jacobs • Discussing the shape of the market that CIT specializes in. The company, which is well-known for lending to small businesses, already dried up much of its lending due to the credit crunch and the company’s own financial woes. While the CIT says it will continue operating normally as it works its way through Chapter 11, businesses concerned about dealing with a bankrupt company have few other places to turn. In other words, a company that few people have heard of has huge amounts of power over businesses you go to every day. And that company just went bankrupt. Oh CIT. • source

01 Nov 2009 21:23


Biz, U.S.: Who probably takes the worst of the bankrupt CIT? Taxpayers.

  • $2.3 billion in CIT TARP funds, gone like the wind? source

01 Nov 2009 21:16


Biz: Holy CIT! A massive lender files an equally massive bankruptcy

  • $71 billion the amount in assets CIT Group had when it filed today; it’s the fifth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history source

29 Oct 2009 10:45


Biz: Jolt Cola could get jolted out of the market by investors

Jolt Cola
  • Sad story, really. The generation-old ultra-caffeinated cola, which was a trailblazer for energy drinks across the board, is in danger of going away for good. The founder of the company, Carl J. Rapp, blames investors who damaged the company’s assets, pushed it into debt and are attempting to force it into liquidation. “The name will show up someplace else, but just that,” said William I. Kohn of the Cleveland firm of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff. “I don’t see anybody buying the entire package.”source

22 Sep 2009 21:25


Biz: General Motors is kicking production into high gear again

  • 3,000 workers are getting their jobs back now that the company is out of bankruptcy and needing cars source

18 Aug 2009 10:38


Biz: Sam Zell screwed up Tribune. Now creditors might kick him out.

  • No agreements have been reached to date. Sam, as well as the rest of the management team, remain actively engaged and committed to Tribune. The restructuring is still in progress and it is premature to speculate about the company’s final ownership structure.
  • A statement from a Tribune Company spokesman • In response to reports that Sam Zell, who orchestrated a leveraged buyout of the company only to see the investment go bankrupt, would be ousted from the company. He’s under a lot of pressure from creditors, who are owed $8.6 billion in debt. And beyond that, he screwed an entire chain of newspapers in less than two years, causing thousands of people not in Chicago to lose their jobs because he bought the company with money he didn’t have. • source

04 Aug 2009 21:09


Sports: Arena Football is screwed. Not even Bon Jovi could save it.

A Kansas City Brigade game in 2007
  • Remember when you were really excited about arena football? Like, really, really excited? Neither do we. Which is why the league’s end is about as disappointing as a Bon Jovi concert. (Clarification: Bon Jovi concerts aren’t disappointing, but they aren’t awesome either. And Jon Bon Jovi owned the Philadelphia Soul, the defending champs.)source

28 Jul 2009 18:09


Biz: You mean our alt-weekly might die? Screw it, we’re writing about sex

  • Tomorrow, the fate of our alt-weekly’s ownership may finally be decided, again. While Creative Loafing brass are hugging it out in Atlanta bankruptcy court, CP staff will be busy proving that we still deserve our paychecks. We’re spending the whole day writing about #^%#ing.
  • Washington City Paper blogger Amanda Hess • Describing her paper’s chosen way of dealing with the impending possible demise of her paper’s parent company, which is going to be in bankruptcy court tomorrow. WCP has been doing this a bit lately, including a notably frank Marion Barry cover a few weeks back. (Note: Link is NSFW.) • source

23 Jul 2009 08:59


Biz: Ford managed to find its way to big profits minus bankruptcy

  • $2.3 billion in 2Q profits for the Detroit automaker source

20 Jul 2009 11:40


Biz: CIT Group may get that bailout they were looking for

  • $3 billion in funds from investors to rescue the small-biz lender source