Julius can now eat solid food! Today, ShortFormBlog celebrates its first birthday, and boy are we excited. A lot has happened in the last year, and boy, we’d love to tell you about it. Our crazy idea of making a blog focused on numbers, quotes and other short stuff has been nothing if a lot of statistics. So here’s a few:
6,098posts, including this one have been put on the site in the last year
268kpeople have found their way onto the SFB site in the last year; neat
thisis our most popular post of all time. People love Transformers, kids!
So, what’s next? Well, we’re gonna keep doing what we do best. Blogging and keeping you jerks informed. After a year of doing this, we’ve gotten pretty good, and are always trying new things. That’s our plan for 2010.
Any ideas? As you might know, we’re totally open to cool ideas, so send us some! We’re all ears, especially if the ideas are good and can extend our mission of giving the news in as short of a space as possible. source
I want to know, what was it about me that made her go, ‘You just look like a Marijuana Pepsi.’
College counselor Marijuana Pepsi • On her mother choosing to name her perhaps the most bizarre name ever. This is worse than “Pilot Inspektor,” guys. She also noted that her mom wouldn’t let her teachers give her a nickname – she had to be called “Marijuana.” The best part of the story? It mentions that outside of her office, there’s a sign that says, “If You’re Waiting for Marijuana, Sit Here.” source
Dear University of Chicago, It fills me up with that gooey sap you feel late at night when I think about things that are really special to me about you. Tell me, was I just one in a line of many? Was I just another supple ‘applicant’ to you, looking for a place to live, looking for someone to teach me the ways of the world?
A University of Chicago sample entrance essay • Which, in our estimation, is the most amazing thing ever. It was sent to high school students last week in an attempt to inspire them to come up with killer application essays ahead of the January 2 deadline. Somehow, though, some people don’t see the humor in this amazingly well-crafted essay and are criticizing its sexual overtones. Others are freaking out big time, afraid that their essays are really similar. WTF?! Enjoy it for what it is, guys! source
The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers will appreciate this. A new book, “The Year’s Work in Lebowski Studies,” gathers a number of heady papers on a guy who wants nothing more than to have a rug that nobody urinated on (and a White Russian). Shut the &!^$ up, Julius. You’re out of your element. source
Super-goofy. Possibly fake. Definitely pretty dang awesome. This guy can use his tape measure to do just about anything, it seems. We’d like to see him get us a beer with it.