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04 Jan 2010 08:50


Politics: In Alabama, “Democrat” means “Basically a Republican”

  • I like Bobby. I think he’s a great guy and a fine Christian man. But when he first came out, I wished that he’d been a Republican.
  • Retired electrical engineer Glenn Cook, 72 • On his Congressman, Bobby Bright. Bright, an Alabama Democrat in an era where such a thing can be political suicide, has stayed popular mainly in his district by voting like a Republican on all but a tiny handful of things. Parker Griffith was a fellow Democratic Congressman in Alabama until recently. He switched parties, leaving Bright by himself. source

10 Nov 2009 10:03


U.S.: Tropical Storm Ida makes landfall in Alabama minus its punch

  • 45 mph sustained winds; nowhere near as bad as expected source

15 Sep 2009 09:59


Offbeat: How not to get of of showing your parents a bad report card

  • A kid in Huntsville, Ala., had a terrible-looking report card. He totally freaked out, just like we did when we were 11 and slacked our way through the fifth grade. source
  • To hide the report card, he faked his own kidnapping, saying a man in a beat-up car grabbed him. Now it’s a news story. Good job not hiding the report card, kid. source

20 Aug 2009 15:18


Offbeat, U.S.: Resume fabricator Antwon Womack drops out of the race

  • This race has just gotten to be too much for me.
  • Birmingham, Alabama school board candidate Antwon Womack • Whose pumped-up resume got him into a world of criticism (and us into world of hilarity). He will drop out of the race today. • source

20 Aug 2009 02:02


Offbeat, U.S.: Meet Antwon Womack, perhaps the most inept politician ever

  • Antwon Womack is running for the Birmingham, Alabama school board (✓) in a district he reportedly doesn’t even live (✓) after giving false credentials – lying about going to college (✓), lying about his age (✓), lying about which high school he went to (✓), lying about graduating from high school (✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓), and calling himself a doctor (ahahahahah ✓). His political career is over before it even began, and this video deserves to seal the coffin.source

17 Aug 2009 20:25


U.S., World: Bill and Claudette: Two storms living separate lives

  • Bill’s still on track to become a major hurricane, but probably isn’t headed towards the U.S. at all. source
  • Claudette, however, has made landfall in Alabama and Florida and appears to be slowing down. source

11 Jun 2009 23:16


Sports: Yo, Alabama, the NCAA doesn’t look kindly on free textbooks

  • 15 sports were put on probation for three freaking years. Whoa. source

13 Mar 2009 10:26


U.S.: Alabama shooter left a note; he planned to go out in “grand style”

  • Why he did it Without specifying the specific details of the note, investigators said that Michael McLendon’s note explained a row with his family that left him harboring ill feelings. McLendon also disliked the way he was treated at work – he was given the nickname “Doughboy,” which he didn’t like. McLendon killed many members of his family and many co-workers during the shooting on Tuesday. source
  • Why he did it Without specifying the specific details of the note, investigators said that Michael McLendon’s note explained a row with his family that left him harboring ill feelings. McLendon also disliked the way he was treated at work – he was given the nickname “Doughboy,” which he didn’t like. McLendon killed many members of his family and many co-workers during the shooting on Tuesday.
  • Dreams unfulfilled McLendon aspired to be a Marine and, later, a police officer. After enlisting in both at different times, he was let go from each only weeks in. In the case of the Marines, he was let go due to “fraudulent enlistment,” and with the police, physical issues were at play. He was depressed and unhappy with his lot in life, according to statements he made towards the end of it. source

10 Mar 2009 21:44


U.S.: A shooting spree in rural Alabama leaves a long trail of bloodshed

  • 10+ random people are dead in two small towns source

01 Mar 2009 22:16


U.S.: So, do you whiny people in the South like this snowstorm?

We know it’s weird and unfamiliar, but really, it won’t hurt you. It’ll just make your roads slick. source