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08 Mar 2010 09:10


World: Was Adam Gadahn arrested in Pakistan yesterday?

  • NO thanks for the inaccurate report, Pakistan source

07 Mar 2010 21:29


World: Was Adam Gadahn arrested? Let’s compare various sources

  • Reuters They claim that Gadahn, the former American, was caught and it’s a pretty big deal.
  • NYT They say it’s not him at all, and that early reports were “confused.” He’s not on their front page.
  • CNN They claim there are “conflicting reports” on whether he was caught. No #*(@, sherlock.

07 Mar 2010 10:22


U.S.: American al-Qaeda spokesman: Follow Ft. Hood shooter’s example

  • You shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that military bases are the only high-value targets in America and the West. On the contrary, there are countless other strategic places, institutions and installations which, by striking, the Muslim can do major damage.
  • American-born al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn • Regarding Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan and the example he set for other America-based terrorists. Gadahn says terrorists should go after “high-value targets.” “Nidal Hasan is a pioneer, a trailblazer and a role-model who has opened a door, lit a path and shown the way forward for every Muslim who finds himself among the unbelievers,” Gadahn said. source