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19 Oct 2011 10:42


U.S.: Father of the year: Drunk dad used 9-year-old as designated driver

  • Not the best move, dude: Shawn Weimer’s early-morning October 8 outing wouldn’t have drawn quite so many eyebrows … had his daughter been a decade older. She wasn’t, and as a result, he’s been getting negative national attention for the incident. But is it a momentary sign of bad judgment on the Michigan dad’s part … or a sign of something worse? With Weimer’s trial delayed for now, the father has some time to contemplate — as does the public. source

07 Sep 2010 20:25


Music: Willow Smith: Some quick math to explain why she’s awesome

  • (((Two solid genes + a brother who’s already cashed in) x (nine birthdays + inherent family-friendly appeal)) / (one half Rihanna + one half Lil’ Mama))^(The star power of her father, Will) = This song, which is gonna be a hit simply because of all of that. That said, it’s far better than any of that crap suggests. source

08 Nov 2009 11:45


U.S.: How a 9-year-old prevented his mom’s car from getting jacked

  • A lady left her kids in the car when she went to the store. She left the keys in the ignition. source
  • A random guy decided to attempt to steal the vehicle – with the kids still inside the car! source
  • A super-brave 9-year-old took the keys and fought back. He got punched in the face. source