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18 Aug 2011 22:15


Politics: Bachmann warns of “the rise of the Soviet Union”

  • What people recognize is that there’s a fear that the United States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward.
  • Michele Bachmann • In a radio interview. Anyone fearing the rise of the Soviet Union can rest easy, as the country hasn’t existed since its collapse twenty years ago. Bachmann has previously claimed that America’s founding fathers “worked tirelessly” to end slavery, and that the Revolutionary War started in New Hampshire. Are we unfairly picking on a popular candidate for making a few innocent gaffes? Or is Bachmann’s tenuous grasp on history a legitimate concern for a candidate seeking the presidency? source

11 Jul 2011 23:17


Politics: Bachmann throws herself a softball

  • fantasy “I will work to end cap-and-trade as President of the United States,” Michele Bachmann said in a statement yesterday.
  • reality It’ll be a hard promise to keep, because federal cap-and-trade doesn’t exist. Maybe she’ll implement it, then repeal it? source

11 Jul 2011 22:38


Politics: Herman Cain: Presidential Candidate. Businessman. Gospel Singer.

  • “this does SEEM to be a gospel album recorded by the 2012 presidential candidate.” A fifteen-year-old record by pizza magnate and GOP presidential contender Herman Cain has just re-surfaced. This would make Cain the third declared candidate, after Jon Huntsman and Thaddeus McCotter, with a musical background; perhaps, if none of them receive the nomination, they can form a supergroup and perform at the convention? We haven’t had a chance to listen to the album yet, and the campaign isn’t offering it for sale, but thankfully, the entire thing is available for free here. We’ll report back as soon as we give it the time and attention it deserves. source

29 Jun 2011 23:49


Politics: Republican voters apathetic about presidential field

  • What’s more surprising: The fact that they actually included John McCain in the poll? Or the fact that McCain did twice as well as Tim Pawlenty?  source

22 Jun 2011 21:48


U.S.: Gingrich: My campaign staff just couldn’t handle my unconventional ways

  • Philosophically, I am very different from normal politicians, and normal consultants found that very hard to deal with.
  • Newt Gingrich • Explaining, with David Brent-esque logic, why his campaign staff keeps quitting on him. We agree that Gingrich is different from normal politicians, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. source

15 Jun 2011 23:35


Politics: Guess who said this

  • You are not going to see a great philosophical difference between Rick Perry and George Bush.
  • Rick Perry • In a 2000 interview that could seriously hurt his chances at becoming president in 2012. Many people forget that, prior to becoming president, George W. Bush was a moderate Republican governor known for compromising with Democrats in his state. This could have been what Perry was referring to when he made the comparison; however, most people probably won’t make that distinction. If he runs, expect to see this quote repeated ad nauseam by Democrats. source

15 Jun 2011 22:15


Politics: Pawlenty’s extreme tax proposal

  • 73% Pawlenty’s tax cut for the 400 richest Americans source
  • » During his time as Minnesota’s governor, Tim Pawlenty staked out a few moderate stances. This is understandable, as Minnesota is a moderate state. But moderation doesn’t fly in the current incantation of the Republican party (just ask Mike Castle or Bob Bennett). It especially doesn’t fly for Republicans who want to be President, and perhaps no position is as sacrosanct to the modern Republican party as that of low taxes. Still, Pawlenty’s proposed tax plan is really extreme, even by supply-sider standards; for example, he proposes that millionaires alone receive a 41% tax cut. So, while it’s understandable that T-Paw wants quell the concerts of Republican primary voters by tacking to the right, we wonder if he really needed to adopt a tax plan that, in the words of Ezra Klein, “makes George W. Bush look like Robin Hood.”

02 Jun 2011 02:30


Politics: Palin not popular in Obama states, swing states, McCain states

  • We have now polled on Palin’s favorability in 31 states. Voters in all 31 of those states have a negative opinion of her.
  • Public Policy Polling’s Tom Jensen • Palin’s support has always been miles deep but inches wide; even so, the results of PPP’s polling really paint a dire picture of her electoral prospects. Alaskans disapprove of her by a twenty five-point margin; not a huge surprise, as constituents generally don’t like when their governors quit mid-term for no good reason. But in McCain states, she faces a sixteen point deficit, and West Virginia, which “likes” her the most, still dislikes her by six percent. If she runs, it’ll be a really steep climb. source

23 May 2011 22:54


Politics: Newt Gingrich, populist

  • I’m not a Washington figure, despite the years I’ve been here.
  • Newt Gingrich • Grasping desperately at the “outsider” mantle. Similarly, we’re not bloggers, despite the fact that we blog. source

18 May 2011 22:53


Politics: Grassley pokes fun at Daniels’ lack of charisma

  • Maybe I oughta back [Mitch Daniels], because it would be an opportunity to show that people who don’t have charisma could be elected president.
  • Republican Senator Charles Grassley • About…well, Mitch Daniels. Aren’t these guys supposed to be on the same team? He went on to compliment Daniels’ performance as George W. Bush’s budget director (because if there’s anything Bush did well, it was handle the federal budget). source