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19 May 2011 14:51


U.S.: Did the Unabomber tamper with Tylenol bottles 29 years ago?

  • cold case Seven people died after taking Tylenol laced with cyanide back in 1982. The case was never solved, but it was a big deal — it’s the reason medicines are tamper-proof now. Thanks to advances in forensic technology and new tips, the FBI is investigating the case again. There are a few suspects, but one is worth a double take.
  • suspect The FBI seems to think that the Unabomber might be a suspect. They asked for a DNA sample from him, and he said he would give it to them — provided his personal items weren’t auctioned off. The government has gone on with the auction, but something seems fishy here. Why would he bargain with his DNA? source

19 May 2011 13:41


World: Bin Laden: Technology replaces the need for cash rewards

  • $25 million reward for Bin Laden’s capture; no one’s getting it source
  • » Not unless they pay it out to a computer, anyway. U.S. officials are saying that no one directly gave the U.S. information that lead to Osama bin Laden’s capture, but instead attribute it to technology. They tracked Bin Laden’s most trusted courier through his cell phone, they found his compound by using stealth drones, and they’ll be keeping their money, thank you very much. If computers had feelings, they’d be devastated.

18 May 2011 12:43


Tech: Sony’s PlayStation Network troubles aren’t over yet

  • PSN hacked again…kind of. PlayStation Network was down again today, but not for the familiar reason of widespread hacks. A newly discovered exploit allows people to change account passwords armed with nothing but an email address associated with the account and the owner’s date of birth — both of which hackers obtained in the larger exploit earlier this month. Gaming discovered the newest flaw and contacted Sony about the problem. The network then went down again, apparently so Sony could fix it before it got out of hand. It’s important to know that the network wasn’t actually hacked again — hackers stole no new information, but instead discovered a new exploit that’s now being fixed. Sony is going to have a rough time recovering from all of this. source

17 May 2011 14:01


Biz: Hewlett-Packard blames Japanese earthquake for problems

  • $5 the earnings per share Hewlett-Packard, the PC maker, expects to make by the end of the fiscal year; their shares are up from May 2010
  • $5.24 the earnings per share Wall Street expected; their stocks fell because of the predicted hardships that lie ahead for the company source
  • » A leaked memo from the CEO is to blame: The memo by Leo Apotheker caused the company’s stocks to fall. He cited the Japanese earthquake and weak PC sales as reasons to reduce hiring and prepare for another rough quarter. Even though their stocks are up from last year, they aren’t meeting market predictions, causing people to sell their shares in the company. Apparently, it’s causing the stock market to slow down overall. Yikes.

17 May 2011 12:55


Politics: Maria Shriver asks for “respect and privacy” after revelations

  • Maria Shriver breaks her silence: With news of her split from Arnold in part due to his having a child out of wedlock, Maria Shriver has finally broken her silence (at least a little) on the couple’s recent separation. “This is a painful and heartbreaking time,” she said. “As a mother, my concern is for the children. I ask for compassion, respect and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment.” source

16 May 2011 14:41


World: Despite massive damage, Fukushima timetable stays the same

  • 9 months maximum needed to get Fukushima under control source
  • » That number isn’t changing: While they’ve discovered more damage than they originally anticipated — such as damage to fuel reactors — and are still dealing with meltdowns. Despite these discouraging discoveries, officials are sticking to this timetable, saying that the reactors are continuing to cool despite the more extensive damage. “The point [Japanese Prime Minister Naoto] Kan is making is that the reactor cores are being cooled down despite the apparent meltdown,” said Goshi Hosono, the prime minister’s special adviser on the issue.

16 May 2011 13:05


World: War crimes prosecutor wants to arrest Gaddafi

  • The evidence showed that Gaddafi relied on his inner circle to implement a systematic policy of suppressing any challenge to his authority.
  • Luis Moreno-Ocampo, an international war crimes court’s chief prosecutor • He wants to have Gaddafi arrested for crimes against humanity – namely firing on unarmed civillians. He went on, talking about how Gaddafi killed people in the streets and in their homes, using people in his family to help him enforce his rule. Moreno-Ocampo has been investigating this since the Libyan revolution was only three weeks old. Now a panel of judges will have to approve this request, though it doesn’t mean that Gaddafi’s arrest will come immediately. source

15 May 2011 15:18


U.S.: Mississippi floodways opened to keep big cities safe

  • Saving urban areas by flooding farmland: Officials opened up the Morganza Floodway Saturday in an attempt to divert water from the Mississippi River, which will eventually drain into the Gulf of Mexico. Even though this move will destroy valuable crops, it’s better than running the risk of flooding large cities like New Orleans at levels worse than Hurricane Katrina. (Photo from US Army Corps of Engineers’ Flickr page.) source

15 May 2011 13:53


World: The Third Intifada: Social media rocks the Middle East again

  • The violent protests happening in Israel today got at least a small spark from Facebook. Large numbers of Palestinians are protesting today (with harsh reaction from Israeli soldiers) after a movement called the Third Intifada sprung up on the social media site. The previous two Intifada movements, which Palestinians used to protest against Israel, were also quite violent. The Facebook page for the current movement had about 300,000 supporters before it the social networking site took it offline due to messages inciting violence against Israel. The movement has since moved to its own website. source

13 May 2011 12:57


World: Was Pakistan suicide bombing in response to Bin Laden’s death?

  • claim The Taliban claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in northwest Pakistan that killed at least 80, saying the attack avenged Osama bin Laden’s death.
  • skepticism Local police say they don’t even think the Taliban are responsible. Instead, they’re pinning the blame on a splinter group upset over an attack by the Pakistani Army. source