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25 Aug 2009 10:33


Sports: Caster Semenya may be a lady, but her testosterone level disagrees

  • She has three times the expected testosterone level. South African runner Caster Semenya’s been facing questions about her gender for weeks, questions only exploding because of her recent breakaway at the World Athletics Championships last week. Now that tests suggest that she has an unusually high testosterone level, expect those questions to get even louder. May we suggest something? It’s not her fault that her genetic makeup is a little off. It’s not like she took steroids or put on a swimsuit designed to make her go faster. Let her have her victory untainted, jerks. source

25 Aug 2009 10:23


World: In the Afghan election, Hamid Karzai leads, but not by much

  • 41% Karzai’s vote total with 10% of the election’s vote counted on Tuesday source

25 Aug 2009 10:12


Biz, U.S.: The White House thinks unemployment’s going double digits

  • 10% unemployment, but they say recovery starts late this year source

25 Aug 2009 10:06


Biz, U.S.: Obama’s got Fed Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke’s back

  • As an expert on the causes of the Great Depression, I’m sure Ben never imagined that he would be part of a team responsible for preventing another.
  • President Barack Obama • In a speech this morning confirming that Bernanke would be reappointed to his post as Federal Reserve Chairman. It’s notable in one way – Bernanke’s a Republican, which means Obama’s got a bipartisan feather in his hat – but considering Bernanke’s predecessor, Alan Greenspan, stuck around for multiple administrations, maybe it’s not. But then again, Greenspan didn’t have the mess that Bernanke’s dealing with. Either way, go Ben! • source

25 Aug 2009 10:00


U.S.: Slow morning? Read this CIA report on interrogation abuses

Ignore your boss. Ignore your job. Get a cup of Joe and read through a heavily-redacted report. Sounds like our kind of morning. source

25 Aug 2009 09:52


Biz, U.S.: Home prices actually rose again, but we’re still a long way from home

  • 2.9% quarterly increase in home prices – the first increase in three years source

24 Aug 2009 23:33


Politics, U.S.: Poll: Do you guys care about town hall protests anymore?

  • The video
  • The video
  • About the video This is a great example of a town hall protest: This Marine vet, David William Hedrick, attacks Congressman Brian Baird. During the speech, he compares Nancy Pelosi to a Nazi wearing an S.S. armband. The guy’s very proud of his statement, and says so in the video’s description. We feel like we saw a video like this, with similar arguments, weeks ago.
  • The video
  • About the video This is a great example of a town hall protest: This Marine vet, David William Hedrick, attacks Congressman Brian Baird. During the speech, he compares Nancy Pelosi to a Nazi wearing an S.S. armband. The guy’s very proud of his statement, and says so in the video’s description. We feel like we saw a video like this, with similar arguments, weeks ago.
  • Why the poll? The video got us to thinking. We can’t be alone in thinking that maybe this card has been a bit overplayed. It seems like, instead of pushing forth the Democratic process, so many people are doing this that it’s reached a saturation point. Whether it’s organic or astroturfing, it’s been getting play for weeks. Are we wrong? Are we right? Let us know. Vote.

24 Aug 2009 22:51


Tech: Yahoo: Screw it, might as well make our search super-simple

See a trend? Just like the competition, Yahoo’s search page now has almost nothing on it. They revamped lots of other stuff, too. source

24 Aug 2009 22:43


Music: Will Ferrell ≠ Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith

  • Don’t tell that to Chad Smith’s unwitting fans, though. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are arguably as famous, if not moreso, than Will Ferrell. But drum-pounder Chad Smith still suffers from mistaken identity. “I’m nice to these people,” Smith says. “(I say) ‘No, I’m not.’ But they’re like, ‘I loved you in Old School. You’re so funny.'” We suggest that Smith get a more distinct persona, like Flea. Now that guy you wouldn’t mistake for a movie star. source

24 Aug 2009 22:35


Culture: Ryan Jenkins protected by a female friend before his death

The friend helped him get the seedy hotel room where he killed himself but the police don’t consider her a threat. (On a side note; WTF is up with the watermarking, TMZ?) source