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Posted on May 8, 2009 | tags


U.S.: Creepy stalker dude kills a Connecticut student, turns self in

  • They had a history Stephen Morgan was charged with the murder of Johanna Justin-Jinich at a Wesleyan University bookstore Wednesday. They knew each other from a taking a class together at New York University in 2007, where he apparently sent her numerous harassing e-mails and phone calls. source
  • They had a history Stephen Morgan was charged with the murder of Johanna Justin-Jinich at a Wesleyan University bookstore Wednesday. They knew each other from a taking a class together at New York University in 2007, where he apparently sent her numerous harassing e-mails and phone calls.
  • A threat to students, Jews? Morgan, beyond attacking Justin-Jinich, seemed to raise his ire towards groups that she was associated with – specifically, Jews and Wesleyan students, which raised concern on the campus just as finals were ending. Morgan, however, decided to turn himself in police Thursday night. source