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09 Jun 2010 22:13


Tech: More on the leaked 3G iPad leak thang: Gawker’s out for blood

  • Gawker’s upset with Apple. They want Apple to feel the pain. Problem is, they’re looking for blood that’s coming out of a different body. The gaffe is clearly AT&T’s, not Apple’s, fault. While it’s great that they exposed it, the portrayal is all wrong. Ryan Tate of Valleywag writes: “Although the security vulnerability was confined to AT&T servers, Apple bears responsibility for ensuring the privacy of its users, who must provide the company with their email addresses to activate their iPads.” We know they’re upset about the raid and the WWDC snub, but doesn’t it seem like they’re fishing with a statement like that? Personally, we have to admit to getting a kick out of the word “Goatse” running in a New York Times article. Best part of the whole story. source

07 Jun 2010 10:19


Tech: “Magic Trackpad”: Do you have room in your life for such a device?

  • This is where it’d fit in your life. You know, next to your keyboard and mouse. Let’s face it – Apple’s MacBook Pro trackpad is one of the greatest mousing devices ever created, and at today’s WWDC conference (which Gizmodo hasn’t been invited to), they’ve reportedly separated the trackpad from the laptop. As long as you didn’t hurt the MacBook Pro, guys. We’re not sure we could even imagine such a thing. (Photo by Dan Berte) source

08 Jun 2009 16:01


Tech: The real innovation in Apple’s new lineup? Price.

  • $99 Cost of the iPhone 3G, which is the same but cheaper source

08 Jun 2009 15:48


Tech: The iPhone 3GS is better but not earth-shattering, guys

  • OK, we get it. Touchscreens. Ooh. App store. Whatever. But really, couldn’t you have done something even better with it than make it a faster and give it a cool new camera? Evolutionary, not revolutionary.source

08 Jun 2009 09:47


Tech: Reminder, tech supernerds: Today is iPhone Christmas

If you feel a sudden urge to stop working and start refreshing the MacRumors Web site, this is why. Just an FYI. source

06 Jun 2009 11:18


Biz, Tech: Steve Jobs could pump Apple’s stock up by returning early

  • Dude’s been recovering from illness. WWDC is Monday. Hmm. Steve Jobs, who sent shockwaves through the industry by taking medical leave in January, could find himself in a position of boosting his own stock if, as reported this week, he appears at the Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday rather than returning at the end of June. A new iPhone launch is expected, and possibly more. We’re excited already. :D source