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14 Oct 2009 10:03


Tech: World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee: Sorry about the slashes

  • Look at all the paper and trees that could have been saved if people had not had to write or type out those slashes on paper over the years — not to mention the human labour and time spent typing those two keystrokes countless millions of times in browser address boxes.
  • Tim Berners-Lee • Admitting that the double-slashes separating the http: and the web address were really kinda useless and unnecessary for the design of the Web. He goes further to apology: “There you go, it seemed like a good idea at the time.” Apology NOT accepted. This fills us with RAGE! • source

03 Oct 2009 23:51


Tech: There’s a lot of clutter in Tweetland, Techcrunch sez

That's a lot of tweets
  • See that microscopic window, split in half because it’s so huge? Those are all Tweets run through Seesmic’s Web interface, made as a joke by one of the program’s developers. (There’s 1,200 in there.) TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld argues that this is a bug, and it’s a good excuse to cut back on the clutter the program makes. We argue that while he has a point, he’s being perhaps a little dramatic. source

03 Oct 2009 12:00


Tech: could change the online news design game

This Knight News Challenge applicant wants to make designing online as easy as designing in print. We’re very exited. source

29 Sep 2009 09:57


Biz, Tech: More innovative ways to get your news from big newspapers

  • From The Guardian The U.K.’s most consistently awesome newspaper has a pretty sweet, well-organized “river” of news.

28 Sep 2009 21:34


Tech: Usability supergenius Jakob Nielsen: Don’t let fads suck you in

No matter your opinion of the controversial Nielsen – who wrote an early book on hypertext back in 1989 – he’s a fascinating interviewee. source

16 Aug 2009 11:33


Biz, Tech: Internet gambling operation BetOnSports didn’t bet on this plea

  • $41.7 million for running an illegal wire gambling operation source

12 Aug 2009 11:28


Offbeat, Tech: Two nerds figured out a way to get nerds to exercise more

  • You pedal the bike, the Internet goes faster. It’s a total carrot on a stick thing. Or at least a really entertaining viral video of a technology we’d never use. Just think, though, if this showed up in gyms, people would use it.source

09 Aug 2009 11:51


Tech, World: The fight for saving the environment goes top-level domain

  • .eco if you were an eco group, you’d want this, too source

06 Aug 2009 11:45


Tech: First we were mad at Twitter. Now we’re mad at whoever’s DOSing them.

We’re sorry we were so mad at you this morning, Twitter. Our apologies. Denial of service attacks suck and help nobody, jerks. source

30 Jul 2009 10:23


Biz: A big web-only news experiment,, missed its launch date

  • Old launch date: Monday. New launch date: Tomorrow. Today, the Ann Arbor News, a 174-year-old Michigan institution, prints its last issue. On Monday, their parent company, Newhouse, was supposed to launch a Web product to replace the newspaper, giving some overlap time for users to get used to the product. But, which will include a twice-a-week print component, wasn’t ready so they didn’t launch it. Which means that tomorrow’s launch date leaves zero room for error and the possibility that the town will be without a primary news source if it gets delayed again. Talk about tightropes. source