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03 Apr 2010 15:25


Tech: No regrets: We bought an iPad. Cory Doctorow didn’t dissuade us

Fortunately, we didn’t have to do this to enjoy our new toy. The boys at iFixIt (working for Reuters) did it for us. The liveblog: Awesome. source

05 Dec 2009 23:38


Culture: Zhu Zhu Hamsters: Impossible to find, may cause cancer

  • We are disputing the findings of Good Guide, and we are 100 percent confident that Mr. Squiggles, and all other Zhu Zhu toys, are safe and compliant with all U.S. and European standards for consumer health and safety in toys.
  • Cepia CEO Russ Hornsby • In a statement defending his products from a report by a California consumer group that says his company’s signature product, the popular Zhu Zhu Hamster, contains a chemical that might cause cancer. The metal, antimony, “can lead to cancer, reproductive health, and other human health hazards” if ingested at high enough levels, according to Good Guide, a consumer watchdog group. Can they cause cancer just because they’re so popular? source

15 Aug 2009 19:53


Tech: Hah! Yahoo thinks Twitter users have mojo. LOL.

Know Your Mojo!
  • We admit that this Tweet analyzer amused us because it’s so novel, but it serves no useful purpose other than telling us we please crowds because we use a lot of hashtags. Either way, it’s a fun diversion to prevent you from doing actual work.source

07 Aug 2009 11:03


Offbeat: Here’s a wonderful text-based toy for you to play with

  • Your World Of Text is just a giant text box that anyone can edit. And it’s awesome. You should play with it for a couple of hours.source