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Posted on December 5, 2009 | tags


Culture: Zhu Zhu Hamsters: Impossible to find, may cause cancer

  • We are disputing the findings of Good Guide, and we are 100 percent confident that Mr. Squiggles, and all other Zhu Zhu toys, are safe and compliant with all U.S. and European standards for consumer health and safety in toys.
  • Cepia CEO Russ Hornsby • In a statement defending his products from a report by a California consumer group that says his company’s signature product, the popular Zhu Zhu Hamster, contains a chemical that might cause cancer. The metal, antimony, “can lead to cancer, reproductive health, and other human health hazards” if ingested at high enough levels, according to Good Guide, a consumer watchdog group. Can they cause cancer just because they’re so popular? source