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09 Jan 2012 16:11


Culture: Tim Tebow’s stat line decides to mess with atheists, football fans

  • 3:16 Tim Tebow’s favorite Bible verse, from the book of John (it’s many peoples’ favorite)
  • 316 number of passing yards Tebow had in Sunday’s playoff win against the Pittsburgh Steelers
  • 31.6 number of yards per completion the noted evangelical had; your mind is blown source

25 Oct 2011 00:28


01 Feb 2010 21:26


Culture: Tim Tebow’s anti-abortion ad just the start of Tim Tebow Ministries

  • It’s not just stopping abortions. Tebow wants to convert people, like his father does in Muslim areas of the Philippines. Until now, he’s been subtle in his outreach.
  • Slate sports columnist Jason Fagone • Regarding the soon-to-be-infamous Super Bowl commercial he’s doing with Focus on the Family, where he talks about his mom not getting an abortion. What one probably doesn’t know from his time with the Florida Gators is that he comes from an ultraconservative background and his dad is a missionary. In the past, he’s referred to himself as a “missionary who plays football.” He wears bible verses on his face, for chrissakes! So, in other words, it’s quite likely that the dude is going to follow his dad’s footsteps, whether he’s a Ryan Leaf or a Peyton Manning in the NFL. source

31 Jan 2010 11:13


Politics: Focus on the Family dude: The Tim Tebow ad isn’t anti-anything

  • There’s nothing political about the ad. Nothing shocking or divisive. Nothing ‘anti’ anything. It’s just an inspiring story from the Tebows – as much as can be fit into 30 seconds, anyway – about celebrating family and celebrating life.
  • Focus on the Family President and CEO Jim Daly • Regarding the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad that’s driven a firestorm of controversy. He claims that it’s inspiring “cultural change,” not forcing anti-abortion down our throats. “That’s the motivation behind our commercial – to get the country talking about the choices we have to make when faced with all variety of life challenges,” he writes, “not just unplanned pregnancies.” If they can somehow get two dudes kissing in the commercial, then we’d watch. source

26 Jan 2010 09:47


Culture: Tim Tebow: Nearly aborted, now famous. We just saved you $2.5M

  • By offering one of the most coveted advertising spots of the year to an anti-equality, anti-choice, homophobic organization, CBS is aligning itself with a political stance that will damage its reputation, alienate viewers, and discourage consumers from supporting its shows and advertisers.
  • A statement by the Women’s Media Center • Regarding a planned Focus on the Family Super Bowl commercial featuring former University of Florida (and future NFL) star Tim Tebow. The commercial notes that Tebow was nearly aborted for medical reasons (his mom, Pam, refused), and since he was born, ta-dah!, now he’s one of the biggest college football stars in history. The commercial, obviously expensive, has the potential of being seen by a huge audience. It’s already hugely controversial. source

15 Jan 2009 13:05


Sports: Who nees the draft? Sam Bradford’s coming back to Oklahoma

  • Not without a BCS championship. Bradford, the third-year sophomore and this year’s Heisman Trophy winner, always dreamed of playing for Oklahoma and wants to win a national championship with the team. Bradford had a killer season in 2008, with a nation-leading 50 TD passes and a 180.8 quarterback rating. He would’ve been a high first-rounder for sure had he gone. source
  • Not without a BCS championship. Bradford, the third-year sophomore and this year’s Heisman Trophy winner, always dreamed of playing for Oklahoma and wants to win a national championship with the team. Bradford had a killer season in 2008, with a nation-leading 50 TD passes and a 180.8 quarterback rating. He would’ve been a high first-rounder for sure had he gone.
  • Heisman’s top trio stays put. Along with Bradford, Florida’s Tim Tebow and Texas’ Colt McCoy – all three of them quarterbacks – will remain at school at least one more season. It’s the first time the top three Heisman vote-getters didn’t go pro after the season was over. USC’s Mark Sanchez, who rocked the Rose Bowl this year, is likely draft-bound, however. source

08 Jan 2009 22:22


Sports: Oh yeah, we heard the BCS championship is currently going on

We like Florida because we like Percy Harvin. He’s a cool guy. source