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29 Jun 2010 21:16


Biz: Tesla Motors’ IPO = Elon Musk isn’t broke anymore!

  • 40% the amount the stock increased on its IPO day (it was a great day)
  • 3.85% the amount the NASDAQ as a whole fell today (it was a bad day)

Elon Musk scored big, too

  • $70M the amount that Musk put into Tesla Motors all by himself – he was broke before today
  • $650Mthe amount that Musk’s share in the company is worth after today – not bad, duder
  • $15M the amount Musk took out to ensure his Tony Stark-like life can continue source

17 Feb 2010 20:29


U.S.: Silicon Valley in mourning after death of Tesla Motors workers

  • The future of electric cars may have been on the plane that crashed in this Silicon Valley neighborhood. Three Tesla Motors employees were on board, and they all died. “We are withholding their identities as we work with the relevant authorities to notify the families,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Tesla is a small, tightly knit company, and this is a tragic day for us.” The crash created a huge power outage in the region, which made a horribly depressing situation even worse. source

08 Aug 2009 11:43


Biz: Tesla Motors is looking kinda profitable these days

After spending years as a company where its ambitions meant big losses, Tesla Motors finally turned a $1 million profit. Modest, but a good start. source

25 Jun 2009 00:15


Tech: Tesla Motors gets some killer $$$$ behind it from the Feds

  • $465 million to build the kind of cars Detroit couldn’t source

10 Apr 2009 21:41


Tech: That Tesla Roadster electric car can go the distance

  • 241 miles on a single charge, average speed 28mph source