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18 Jan 2011 10:12


World: Iraqi suicide bomber attacks police recruits waiting in line

  • 45+ killed in the attack on a line of police recruits waiting for jobs in Saddam Hussein’s hometown, Tikrit
  • 100+ wounded in the attack that’s the worst since Nuri al-Maliki was reappointed Prime Minister source

04 Apr 2010 11:33


World: Baghdad’s post-election attacks start to pick up, big time

  • 30+ people have been killed in the three in-tandem car bombings
  • 200+ were wounded; the attacks were near embassies source

30 Dec 2009 09:21


World: Day of bloodshed: 30+ killed in multiple bombings in Iraq today

  • 24+ killed in suicide bombings in the desert province of Anbar
  • 7+ religious pilgrims were killed separately by a roadside bomb
  • 100+ including a Sunni governor, were injured in the attacks source

24 Dec 2009 11:20


World: Shia Muslims targeted in latest round of bombings in Iraq

  • 23+ have been killed in multiple attacks source

24 Oct 2009 01:20


World: The pummeling of Pakistan by Taliban forces continues.

  • The stakes have become higher, and consequently we are witnessing this surge in acts of terrorism.
  • A message from the office of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani • Describing why the attacks have gone up lately. 23 people were killed in separate attacks on Friday, and 28 more were injured. It comes at the end of a long week where Pakistani forces started fighting the Taliban head-on. 140 Taliban militants have been killed so far, and the border has been sealed-off. • source

15 Oct 2009 10:22


World: Pakistan is quickly becoming the new Afghanistan, guys

  • 37 dead in four separate bombings in Pakistan today source

17 May 2009 02:35


World: Sri Lanka’s claiming victory. The Tamil Tigers are suicide bombing.

  • Suicide explosions are taking place. Suicide cadres are coming in front of troops in the frontline and exploding themselves.
  • Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara • A military spokesman, on the current status of the longest war in modern Asian history, which Sri Lanka has finally claimed victory in. The LTTE, or the Tamil Tigers, has been conditioned to commit suicide before surrendering, which explains the suicide bombings. The Tamils likely knew this moment was coming, basically begging for a cease-fire a couple of weeks ago. • source