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07 Aug 2010 22:42


World: The dudes on the International Space Station suck at repairs

  • eight number of hours two astronauts spent on a spacewalk to fix the !&@@ing cooling system
  • no it didn’t work, so these guys are going to be really unhappy for a little while longer source

30 Jul 2010 21:00


Tech: Space tourist payback: “Lord British” wins a major lawsuit

Richard “Lord British” Garriott, he of the legendary “Ultima” game franchise, was laid off just after returning to earth. Fortunately, a court agreed NCSoft screwed him. source

05 Jun 2010 12:30


Tech: Effusive or faint praise? SpaceX’s commercial spacecraft gets both

It seems like everyone has an opinion on Elon Musk’s SpaceX company, which just launched its first commercial space flight, the Falcon 9, yesterday. source

03 Jun 2010 21:59


World: Russian Pretendonauts: Let’s pretend to go to Mars, guys!

  • 6 number of “spacemen” who will pretend to go to Mars; playtime!
  • 250 the number of days the crew will be pretending to go to Mars
  • 30 the number of days they’ll pretend to be on Mars’ surface
  • 220 the number of days it will take them to get “back” to Earth source

25 Apr 2010 11:06


Offbeat: Protip from Stephen Hawking: Don’t talk to aliens, ever

  • If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.
  • Prof. Stephen Hawking • Regarding the possibility of alien life hitting Earth. “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he further notes. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.” This is actually a very astute point, but one we could’ve figured out from watching “Independence Day.” *punch* Welcome to Earth! source

25 Apr 2010 10:36


World: The Hubble Telescope is celebrating another birthday all alone

  • The Hubble telescope turns 20, but like most of its effective life, it’s stuck in space today, all by itself. It needs friends. Endless photography is a good hobby, but not a normal lifestyle. Anyone got any ideas on how to make this massive telescope’s life a little less, you know, empty? source

15 Apr 2010 19:56


U.S.: See, everyone, Obama really cares about space exploration!

  • The bottom line is, nobody is more committed to manned spaceflight, to human exploration of space than I am. But we’ve got to do it in a smart way and we can’t just keep on doing the same old things we’ve been doing and thinking that’s going to get us where we want to go.
  • President Barack Obama • Pointedly emphasizing that yes, he does have a space plan and yes, it is different from George W. Bush’s plan. It’s more long-term than the Bush’s reignited moon mission – one that sends us to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars by the mid-2030s. One major concession he made, however – the Orion crew capsule, which he planned to cancel, is coming back in a different form. source

22 Mar 2010 19:54


Tech: Virgin Galactic test flight: Well it’s not a galactic virgin anymore!

Richard Branson’s spaceship didn’t go into space on its airplane-aided journey, but it’s a huge step for the for-profit space program, which starts in 2012. source

08 Feb 2010 09:49


U.S.: NASA finally managed to launch a space shuttle nearly on time

  • 4:14 a.m. space shuttle Endeavor’s launch time earlier this morning
  • 24 hours the length of time after the original launch time it was delayed source

27 Dec 2009 11:32


Culture: Will someone give NASA TV a kick in the butt? It needs it.

This guy runs the most boring network on TV. Despite the fact that the subject matter is fascinating (space!), the commentary often puts people to sleep. source