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18 Feb 2011 20:12


U.S.: Tucson shooting: Christina Taylor Green’s photographer may sue. Ugh.

  • Christina Taylor Green’s death may have been the saddest of the many that took place in Tucson last month. But now that Gabrielle Giffords has started to recover and the dust has mostly settled, ugliness is starting to seep in a little. Photographer Jon Wolf, who owns the copyright to this photo of Green, has pressured a number of media organizations, including the Arizona Republic, and the Tucson Citizen, to pay a licensing fee for use of the now-iconic image. He wants $125,000, which he’s said he wants to mostly give to charity, and he’s, uh, threatened to sue. Green’s family doesn’t support his actions, the charity has refused to take any of Wolf’s money, and there’s a Facebook campaign against Wolf’s business picking up steam. It’s a photo of someone who died. If we were him, we’d just take the modest licensing fee (which the media organizations have offered) and be done with this. source

09 Feb 2011 14:20


U.S.: Gabby Giffords recovering well, beginning to regain speech faculties

Great news: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is regaining the ability to speak. Sources wouldn’t divulge her first words, other than they involved her asking for toast. Good luck, Gabby! source

04 Feb 2011 13:33


U.S.: Gabrielle Giffords’ husband Mark Kelly going back to astronaut job

  • January Astronaut Mark Kelly had to stop his preparations for a space flight after finding out his wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in the head by a really crazy kid.
  • Monday With Giffords in full recovery mode in Houston, Kelly will return to his preparations for leading the space shuttle Columbia into orbit in a couple months.
  • April Kelly will leave for space, his fourth trip. His goal is that his crew “can execute this mission safely — and that it’s successful.” This is a good sign, right? source

03 Feb 2011 14:58


U.S.: Senate report criticizes govt. agencies over Ft. Hood shootings

  • YES the FBI, DoD should’ve discharged Nidal Hasan source
  • » Specific and systemic failures: So says a new Senate report investigating the FBI and Department of Defense’s handling of former Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, prior to his executing the Ft. Hood shootings in 2009. The report, authored by Sens. Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins, accuses the agencies of failing to link the information they had between them, and of being negligent of Hasan’s transition to violent Islamic extremism, which they say was “on full display to his superiors and colleagues during his military medical training.”

03 Feb 2011 11:08


World: Gabrielle Giffords’ husband talks fate, his wife’s recovery

  • Maybe it was fate. I hadn’t been a big believer in fate until recently.
  • Gabrielle Giffords’ husband, Mark Kelly • Offering up an explanation at today’s National Prayer Breakfast for why Gabrielle Giffords survived her assassination attempt last month. According to Kelly, while this “has been the hardest time of my life, and the hardest time of my family’s life,” Giffords “gets a little better every day.” Obama praised Kelly and offered this sentiment to rally around: “We are with them for the long haul. God is with them for the long haul.” Warm feelings abound. source

19 Jan 2011 16:19


U.S.: LA mayor speaks out on possibly accidental school shooting

  • No student should ever fear for his or her life within the halls and classrooms of our schools. We must work together to ensure safety in and around our schools so that all students can benefit from an environment conducive to learning.
  • L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa • The mayor responded to the shooting at Gardena High School, which police authorities believe may have been an accident. The seventeen-year-old who is responsible reportedly brought an automatic handgun to school in his backpack, and during his class it fired, wounding two students. source

19 Jan 2011 10:31


U.S.: Gabrielle Giffords improving significantly, could move to rehab facility

  • Everyday Gabby improves and shows higher levels of comprehension and complex actions.
  • Gabrielle Giffords’ mother, Gloria • Revealing that she could be let out of the hospital by Friday and moved to a rehabilitation facility in Houston. Which, if true, would be a miraculous recovery for Giffords, who nearly died after being shot in the head a week and a half ago. She’s been using her husband Mark Kelly’s iPhone and sitting upright. She also gave him a 20-minute neckrub. Hopefully this report isn’t too optimistic.  source

15 Jan 2011 18:36


U.S.: Good news: Gabrielle Giffords now breathing on her own, guys

  • negative A week after the shooting which mortally wounded her, Gabrielle Giffords is still in critical condition at a Tucson-area hospital.
  • positive She’s the only shooting victim still in critical condition – most have improved or gone home at this point.
  • positiver She can now breathe  without a ventilator – a big step. Doctors are very happy with her progress so far. source

15 Jan 2011 12:48


Politics: Obama hoping for bipartisanship in wake of Arizona shooting

  • As business resumes, I look forward to working together in that same spirit of common cause with members of Congress from both parties — because before we are Democrats or Republicans, we are Americans.
  • President Obama • Looking to emphasize bipartisan goodwill in the wake of last week’s Gabrielle Giffords shooting. He made the statement during his weekly address, which was followed by a response from Arizona Rep. Jeff Flake, who said that the incident should not force Congress to be afraid of doing its job. “And so it is our duty to uphold our oath, to listen and to represent,” he said. “We will not let this inhumane act cow us into doing otherwise.” In other Arizona news, Obama literally wrote the memorable “Gabby opened her eyes” bit on the way to the basketball arena just before he spoke at the memorial earlier this week. source

13 Jan 2011 20:17
