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06 Mar 2010 14:48


Culture: Seth MacFarlane’s comedy somehow less funny on YouTube

  • This YouTube clip includes two things: One, a 30-second commercial for Priceline done in Seth MacFarlane’s patented animation style, and two, a not-funny one-minute clip that was seemingly rejected from a episode of one of MacFarlane’s three TV shows. If it couldn’t make it into three different TV shows, you know it sucks. This one, however, is a bit better. source

12 Nov 2009 11:19


Culture: CollegeHumor nails Seth MacFarlane’s cookie-cutter animation niche

  • Is it us, or has CollegeHumor gotten funnier over time? On this particular clip, they hit really close to home for Seth MacFarlane’s empire of cookie-cutter Fox shows. We have to admit, though, if they got rid of the families and just had the talking snowmen and blenders, we’d probably watch it.source

10 Nov 2009 19:58


Music: My Morning Jacket works indie cred into Seth MacFarlane jokes

Must say … My Morning Jacket would not be our first choice to base an entire episode of “American Dad” around. But that just makes it more awesome. source

01 Oct 2009 10:22


Culture: “The Cleveland Show”: Is it racist? Here’s someone arguing that

  • I wonder about the black people who did bother to tune into ‘The Cleveland Show’ debut. Were we so busy laughing that we failed to realize the joke was on us?
  • Jasmyne Cannick • Discussing, in an article on Alternet, why she sees Seth MacFarlane’s “Family Guy” spinoff as a collection of racist, misogynist jokes which really aren’t all that funny. Cannick further argues that with the election of Obama, and the improved image of black people that came along with it, “Fox’s debut of the ‘The Cleveland Show’ is nothing more than a desperate and stealth attempt to work against the improved international image of black people.” Do you agree? • source

14 Sep 2009 10:01


Culture: “Family Guy” guy Seth MacFarlane interviewed by a total hater

  • Personally, I find the show’s rape jokes especially unfunny. In one episode, Peter learns that three co-eds were raped and murdered. He says to himself, ‘Everyone’s getting laid but me.’ Why is that funny?
  • New York Times Magazine reporter Deborah Solomon • Questioning Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane with the zest of a dimly-lit interrogation. Beyond this question, which clearly comes from someone who doesn’t like the show, she grills MacFarlane on other topics related to the Emmy-nominated show, such as sexism, abortion and the supposed low quality of the show’s animation. We hope he didn’t confess to a crime by accident. • source