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02 Jul 2010 21:18


U.S.: Did an appeals court support Ah-nold’s minimum wage scheme?

  • YES though the California state controller is fighting it source

24 Feb 2010 10:56


Tech: Oh Jesus: Yet another phishing attack nails Twitter hard

  • Protip: If you see a screen like this with a URL like that after clicking on a link labed “This You????”, avoid logging into Twitter. It’s a pretty tricky phishing scheme that has nailed lots of people already. Don’t let one of them be you! source

23 Sep 2009 21:06


Politics: ACORN’s suing those filmmakers for making their lives suck

  • And really, they should. Those guys were jerks. ACORN has been battered, beaten, and shamed in the press and politically. And it was all for some out-to-shame videotapes. Now, they’re fighting back. The organization has filed a lawsuit against filmmakers James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles along with LLC, the Andrew Breitbart-led company that owns ACORN says the duo never obtained consent from the now-fired employees they showed helping with their faux-prostitution scheme in Baltimore. It’ll be interesting to see where the suit goes. source

29 Jun 2009 11:45


Biz, U.S.: For all those wanting to see Bernard Madoff rot in prison, here you go

  • 150 years in the slammer for the scammer source

14 Mar 2009 19:53


Biz: Bernie Madoff is worth a lot of money, but not enough

  • $823 million Madoff’s approximate net worth, according to court papers source

13 Mar 2009 13:45


Biz, U.S.: This probably isn’t going to work, Bernie Madoff’s lawyer

  • Can we put Bernie back in his penthouse? Ira Sorkin, Bernard Madoff’s lawyer, is appealing the decision to put his client, who pled guilty yesterday to charges related to his ponzi scheme, back under house arrest. The Manhattan jail cell he was put in is a far cry from the penthouse he once lived, as you might guess. source

10 Mar 2009 21:33


Biz: What was Bernie Madoff trying to do when he stole all that money?

  • There’s a good question to ask. Dude stole $50 billion in a fraudulent ponzi scheme and apparently hired people to make fake accounting documents for some stupid reason. As Madoff faces up to 150 years in jail on 11 federal charges, which he’ll likely plead guilty to on Thursday, his investors hope that the guy finally explains what his motive was. source