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12 Mar 2009 10:27


05 Mar 2009 10:22


U.S.: Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, he wants to debate Obama

  • If you can wipe me out in a debate … do you realize you will own the United States of America? You will have no opposition.
  • Rush Limbaugh • Who apparently wants fewer than 11% of people under 40 to have a positive opinion of him. The White House, understandably, had no comment. • source

05 Mar 2009 10:18


U.S.: Why do Democrats want Rush Limbaugh to be the GOP’s face?

  • 11% of people under 40 have a positive opinion of Rush source

02 Mar 2009 23:30


U.S.: Fun fact about RNC chair Michael Steele: He cowers quickly.

  • Two days ago: The day Rush Limbaugh gave a killer CPAC speech, the RNC chairman said something pretty harsh about the man of the moment: “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it’s ugly.” He said this on, of all places, D.L. Hughley’s new CNN show. source
  • Two days ago: The day Rush Limbaugh gave a killer CPAC speech, the RNC chairman said something pretty harsh about the man of the moment: “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it’s ugly.” He said this on, of all places, D.L. Hughley’s new CNN show.
  • Today: Man, he backed down like France in a World War. Today, in a phone interview, Steele was much less blunt about his words: “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.” Dude, you run a freaking political party and need to look strong. Need a hug? We give free hugs here. source

02 Mar 2009 10:30


U.S.: Obama’s chief of staff: Yeah, Rush is the GOP’s energy

  • He is the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican party, and he has been up front about what he views, and hasn’t stepped back from that, which is he hopes for failure.
  • Rahm Emanuel • President Obama’s chief of staff, talking about Rush Limbaugh’s scene at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday night. • source

28 Feb 2009 22:17


U.S.: Rush Limbaugh: “I want Barack Obama to fail”

  • What is so strange about being honest and saying, I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation? Why would I want that to succeed?
  • Rush Limbaugh • During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Dude basically tried ripping Obama and the Democratic party a new one. He was preaching to a pretty interested choir, which helped his cause. • source