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22 Feb 2009 10:23


U.S.: The Feds and Roland Burris have a nice fireside chat

  • Wonder what they talked about. Burris, who had delayed the chat for several weeks, was asked by the Feds about his role in the Rod Blagojevich scandal, which saw the former Illinois governor try to sell Burris’ current Senate seat for profit or personal gain. Rod got kicked out last month, but now Burris is a giant question mark due to his recent admission that he actively campaigned to raise funds for Blagojevich. Burris faces no criminal charges – well, in this probe. source

20 Feb 2009 13:22


U.S.: New Illinois governor: Yeah, Burris should resign

  • He will always be held in high regard by the people for making this decision. The common good is really what we have to focus on today.
  • Gov. Patrick Quinn • regarding a potential resignation by Illinois senator Roland Burris, who’s been a pretty entertaining dramabomb unto himself lately. • source

17 Feb 2009 21:41


U.S.: We’re convinced Roland Burris is his own punchline.

Seriously, dude. Seriously? Come on. Seriously? Um, dude. Seriously? OK, once more. Seriously? source

14 Feb 2009 15:53


U.S.: Just when you thought the Burris/Blagojevich story had died …

  • … here it comes, blazing back for another round! Rep. Roland Burris’ aides claim today that former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother had approached the former Illinois Attorney General about raising campaign money for the governor. Burris didn’t, he still got appointed to the senate anyway, and Rod got the boot. Of course, this does leave the matter of why Burris didn’t mention this a few weeks ago … source

01 Feb 2009 16:11


U.S.: Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn: Look at the future with “new eyes, no grudges”

09 Jan 2009 19:01


U.S.: The other senator from Illinois isn’t happy about Burris

  • The rules of the United States Senate are clear. … At this point, we’ve clearly reached an impasse.
  • Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin • senior U.S. Senator from Illinois, on the appointment of Roland Burris without a signature from Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. Burris’ appointment by Rod Blagojevich was valid, according to the Illinois Supreme Court. • source

09 Jan 2009 12:34


U.S.: Well, one guy still believes in Rod Blagojevich

  • 114-1 The vote to impeach the Illinois governor source

08 Jan 2009 21:55


U.S.: Rod Impeachojevich, Illinois Governor

  • They’re looking into throwing the bum out Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich could get impeached based on a recommendation by a legislative committee. The committee cited gross misuse of power, specifically in regards to allegations he tried to make Obama’s former senate seat a pay-for-play endeavor. If the Illinois state legislature takes the recommendation, they’d try him in the state senate and possibly remove him. We never trusted guys named Blagojevich. source

06 Jan 2009 13:13


U.S.: The scene as Roland Burris was turned away

He wanted to sit. They wouldn’t let him. So now, he goes away. Maybe he’ll try later. source

06 Jan 2009 12:14


U.S.: Roland Burris, a man without a chair

  • This is all politics and theater, but I am the junior senator according to every law book in the nation.
  • Appointed Illinois senator Roland Burris • who was denied entry to the Senate chambers today. Burris was appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was arrested for attempting to sell the seat. • source