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17 Jul 2010 02:42


U.S.: Have you guys seen how young West Virginia’s new senator is?

The just-appointed Carte Goodwin, 36, is by far the youngest senator. To put this in sharp relief: Robert Byrd was 92 when he died. That’s right, 56 years. source

02 Jul 2010 21:12


U.S.: Obama’s eulogy for Robert Byrd was pretty darn touching

  • He said: ‘There are things I regretted in my youth; you may – you may know that.’ And I said: ‘None of us are absent some regrets, senator. That’s why we enjoy and seek the grace of God.’
  • President Barack Obama • Giving the eulogy at Sen. Robert Byrd’s funeral in Charleston, West Virginia on Friday. He further noted that his indiscretions were made up for over time. “As I reflect on the full sweep of his 92 years, it seems to me that his life bent towards justice,” he said. Bill Clinton also spoke a little too, noting his KKK affiliation directly – he was the only speaker that did. But then again, a black president spoke at his funeral. So that’s definitely something to be said about the power of redemption. source

01 Jul 2010 10:36


Politics: Unemployment benefits: Robert Byrd’s death held this up, too

  • what The Senate’s attempt to increase unemployment benefits failed to pass yet again last night.
  • why They didn’t have 60 votes to stop the filibuster; they had 59. The 60th would’ve been Byrd. source

30 Jun 2010 20:24


U.S.: Financial reform plows through the House (and maybe the Senate?)

  • 237-192 with just three
    GOP votes source
  • no The Senate won’t get it passed and signed by their July 4 deadline.
  • yes Robert Byrd’s timely death is the specific reason for the holdup.
  • maybe The Senate might have enough votes to pass it – possibly. source

29 Jun 2010 09:09


Politics: Unlike health care, Robert Byrd didn’t live to vote for finance reform

  • The Senate just lost a key vote for the measure. When Sen. Tom Coburn made a remark that seemingly suggested he hoped Robert Byrd wouldn’t live to see the health care vote, it drew the Democrats in a tizzy. When Robert Byrd died just before the financial reform vote, it left Democratic leadership in a complete bind – now they have to find someone to replace Byrd’s vote, and hope that other Democrats don’t fall out of rank. Will it happen? source

28 Jun 2010 09:08


U.S.: Robert Byrd: A racist past reconciled, a fighter for West Virginia

  • Say what you will about Robert Byrd – career politician bar none, former KKK member – but he made it through health care. It probably took a lot out of him to make sure health care had his 60th vote, but he made it. Despite certain GOP members suggesting they hoped he missed the vote, he still made it. In a lot of ways, the endeavor speaks more of his career than anything else – a fighter, a guy who got beyond his racist past to have a heck of a second act. Some highlights:
  • 9number of times he was re-elected to the Senate (totally unprecedented)
  • a racist past, moderatedMaybe in another era, Byrd’s early association with the KKK may have been a career-killer, but many (many) apologies and the passage of time ultimately moderated his views on civil rights. It wasn’t instant – he famously filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – but the effect was lasting.
  • Propping up West VirginiaByrd used his power in the Senate to help build jobs and infrastructure in a state that had little of both when he first started. To some, he earned the nickname “the prince of pork,” but to West Virginians, he was seen as a savior who was voted to both chambers of both the state and federal legislatures.
  • A senate leaderByrd ultimately became much more than simply a West Virgina senator – first chairing the Appropriations committee, then later becoming Majority Whip, and spending two separate spans as Majority leader. “A leadership role is different,” he said, “and one does represent a broader constituency.”

Robert Byrd, in his own words

  • It has been my constant desire to improve the lives of the people who have sent me to Washington time and time again.
  • Sen. Robert Byrd • From his 2005 autobiography, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.” Say what one will about Byrd, but he’s always held up this part of the bargain for West Virginia. West Virginia has responded in kind, naming 30 federal projects after the senator. The state also voted him back into office by wide margins. If anything, he’s proof that a man with a controversial past can be moderated. He’ll be missed. source

28 Jun 2010 08:20



27 Jun 2010 20:34


U.S.: Robert Byrd, one of our greatest natural resources, “seriously ill”

We hope he pulls through OK, but we bet that every newspaper in the country has an obit written up on the 92-year-old Senator. You know, just in case. source

17 Nov 2009 10:28


U.S.: Sen. Robert Byrd is about to become the longest-serving congressman

  • 20,774 number of days – or 56 years, 10½ months – Byrd has served; he (finally!) breaks the record at midnight source

20 Jan 2009 19:11


U.S.: How are Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd doing?

  • Kennedy’s in the hospital Ted Kennedy had a seizure, but he’s OK and should be out of the hospital soon. Doctors say the seizure was brought on by “simple fatigue,” not anything scarier than that. Phew. source
  • Kennedy’s in the hospital Ted Kennedy had a seizure, but he’s OK and should be out of the hospital soon. Doctors say the seizure was brought on by “simple fatigue,” not anything scarier than that. Phew.
  • Byrd? Pssh, he was fine Robert Byrd’s staff claims he was in fact not sick, but he just left the luncheon. The 91-year-old Byrd, however, “remains very concerned about his close friend, Ted Kennedy,” said spokesman Mark Ferrell. source